1.1.K Create development environment for a tailored BOA from a BOA image - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki
This procedure covers the action to create a development environment for a tailored BOA from a BOA image
Note: References to s2boa included for completeness regarding the installation of a tailored BOA.
- Ubuntu and docker installed in a development environment. See the following procedures to accomplish this pre-condition:
- BOA image is available
- Change user to root:
sudo su -
- Load BOA image
docker load -i <BOA_IMAGE>
- Look for the image and get the associated ID
docker images
Example of image ID: 129ad977ced6
boa 0.0.1 129ad977ced6 20 hours ago 4.15GB
- Tag BOA image as latest
docker tag <BOA_IMAGE_ID> boa:latest
Export path to resources:
Note: this path is where the repositories for eboa, vboa, the tailored BOA and ORC packages are located.
- Create development environment
Note: you may use an env file to have the environmental variables under configuration control. If this is the case, use the option --env-file for the docker compose command pointing to the env file.
SERVICE_LABEL=dev VBOA_TEST=TEST TBOA_PORT=5010 TBOA_DEVELOPMENT_PATH=~/workspace/s2boa FLASK_APP=s2vboa docker compose -f $PATH_TO_REPOSITORIES/vboa/compose_tboa_dev.yml up -d