1.1.J Generate a BOA image from EBOA and VBOA packages - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki


This procedure covers the action to generate a BOA image from EBOA and VBOA packages

Note: References to s2boa included for completeness regarding the installation of a tailored BOA.


  1. Ubuntu and docker installed in a development environment. See the following procedures to accomplish this pre-condition:
    1. For windows using WSL: Prepare development environment using WSL2 in Windows to install BOA from scratch
    2. For virtualbox: Prepare development environment using Virtualbox to install BOA from scratch
    3. For Ubuntu: Prepare development environment using Ubuntu to install BOA from scratch
  2. EBOA and VBOA packages are available


  1. Build BOA image using EBOA and VBOA packages: Note: Replace PATH_TO_EBOA_AND_VBOA_PACKAGES, EBOA_PACKAGE and VBOA_PACKAGE with the relevant values. The following is an example:




docker buildx build --build-context boa_packages_directory=<PATH_TO_EBOA_AND_VBOA_PACKAGES> --build-arg EBOA_PACKAGE=<EBOA_PACKAGE> --build-arg VBOA_PACKAGE=<VBOA_PACKAGE> -f Dockerfile.build.boa -t boa:latest .
  1. Save BOA image:
docker save boa > $TMP_DIR/boa.tar