1.1.H Manually ingest inputs in BOA through command line - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki

This procedure covers the action to ingest inputs in BOA through command line.


  1. An available BOA environment is ready to use.


  1. Access to the BOA environment.
  2. If containers are not running, start containers (as root):

Note: the names of the containers may differ between environments (check with docker container list).

docker start boa_app_dev boa_database_dev
  1. If a clean environment is needed, i.e. no unexpected conflicts with data already available in the BOA environment, reset BOA DDBB by following the next procedure:

    Reset BOA DDBB

  2. Search for the shared mount point between host and BOA environment:

docker inspect boa_app_naosboa|grep ':/inputs"'

For example, with the following output:


The shared mount point is: /data/s2boa/temporal_intray_s2boa/

  1. Copy the needed inputs in the previously obtained host mount point.

  2. Enter into the BOA environment:

    Note: the names of the container and user may differ between environments (check with docker container list).

docker container exec -it -u boa boa_app_s2boa /bin/bash
  1. Go to inputs folder:
cd /inputs
  1. Ingest every input with the following command:
EBOA_STREAM_LOG=YES eboa_triggering.py -f <FILENAME>
  1. Verify the status of the ingestion going to the "Ingestion control monitoring" view:

    For a deployment in localhost, this would be:   https://localhost:80/ingestion_control/ingestion_control

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