1.1.G Update DDBB model - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki


This procedure covers the action to update the DDBB model of BOA.


  1. The corresponding BOA service is up and running.


  1. Download and copy the necessary file from this list to update the DDBB model into the host of the BOA instance.

  2. Access to the host of the BOA instance as root.

  3. Copy the file to update the DDBB model into the container related to the app of the BOA instance.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: replace PATH_TO_FILE_TO_UPDATE_DDBB_MODEL with the path to the previously downloaded file and BOA_APP_CONTAINER_NAME with the name of the container of the app for the BOA instance.

  1. Access to the app of the BOA instance.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: replace BOA_APP_CONTAINER_NAME with the name of the container of the app for the BOA instance.

docker exec -it -u root BOA_APP_CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
  1. Update the DDBB model executing the following command:

    IMPORTANT NOTE: replace NAME_OF_FILE_TO_UPDATE_DDBB_MODEL with the name of the previously downloaded file and BOA_DATABASE_CONTAINER_NAME with the name of the container of the database for the BOA instance.

modify_existing_ddbb.sh -f /tmp/NAME_OF_FILE_TO_UPDATE_DDBB_MODEL -d eboadb -h BOA_DATABASE_CONTAINER_NAME
  1. Now, the DDBB should have been updated with the following message:
DDBB has been modified correctly!