1.1.B Execute automated tests - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki


This procedure covers the action to execute the automatic tests for BOA in the development environment.

Note: References to s2boa included for completeness regarding the installation of a tailored BOA.


  1. Procedure Install BOA in development mode from scratch has been successfully executed.


Note: the tests are executed activating the coverage analysis of code.

  1. Access through the console with the following command (using the specific host user created, for example, s2boa):
docker exec -it -e HOME=/home/s2boa -u s2boa boa_app_dev /bin/bash
  1. Execute EBOA tests:
cd /eboa/src
py.test -vv tests/ eboa/ingestions --cov-report html:tests/tmp/code_coverage_analysis --cov-branch --cov=eboa
  1. Execute VBOA tests:
cd /vboa/src/vboa
py.test -vv tests