Prepare virtual environment - Daniel-Brosnan-Blazquez/vboa GitHub Wiki
This procedure covers the action to prepare the virtual environment for developing BOA.
- VirtualBox is installed
Tested configurations
- Ubuntu 20.04 (64 bits)
Create new virtual machine for hosting Ubuntu (64 bits):
- Set the following parameters:
Name: BOA
Type: Linux
Version: Ubuntu (64-bit)
- Set the Memory size as 4GB:
- Create a hard disk of 40GB:
- Final configuration should look like this:
Install operating system:
- Download the preferred operating system (default Ubuntu 20.04):
- Double click on the virtual machine just created:
- Find the ISO image of the operating system:
- Follow specific instructions related to the selected operating system to install it (create a specific user, for example, boa).
- Once the operating system is installed, power off the guest operating system and increase the number of associated CPUs if possible (4 maximum):
- Select the virtual machine
- Click on settings
- Click on System → Processor and increase the number of CPUs:
Set the RAM to 8 GB:
Select the virtual machine
Click on settings
- Click on System → Motherboard and set the Base Memory to 8192 MB:
Install Guest Additions CD image:
- Start virtual machine
- Execute the following commands (Instructions for Ubuntu 20.04):
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
1. Click on Devices → Install Guest Additions CD image...

If you have your virtual machine window in a scale mode you are not going to see the options buttons above, therefore yo will have to return to the nominal display mode.
To do this use the key combination: **Host key ("right control" by default) + C** If your keyboard does not have this "right control" key, then you will have to choose another Host key:
1. Inside your VirtualBox Manager go to: **File → Preferences**

1. Then go to: **Input → Virtual Machine → Change your shortcut for Host Key Combination** **→ OK**
1. Click on RUN (Instructions for Ubuntu 20.04):

Check that the service is running with the following command:
ps faux|grep -i vbox
Which should show a similar result to the following one:
root 1427 0.0 0.0 238184 2772 ? Sl 12:55 0:00 /usr/sbin/VBoxService --pidfile /var/run/vboxadd-service.sh
Configure VirtualBox Network to Bridged Adapter to be able to use the app on the host browser:
If you have more than one network interface, choose the right one to connect the bridge in the "Name" dropdown menu.
Now, instead of using localhost, use the IP of your guest to access the app through the host browser. To know the IP use the following command:
hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'
Configure as "Bidirectional" the Shared Clipboard and Drag'n'Drop options:
Restart the virtual machine and, now, the virtual environment for development should be ready to use.
Note for Ubuntu 20.04: if the window does not fit all the screen, modify the display settings (tested 1680 x 1050):