Type vs Interface - Dadarkp3/pokedex GitHub Wiki

In TypeScript, the term type refers to a construct used to define the shape of data, providing static typing capabilities to JavaScript. TypeScript introduces several ways to define types, including interfaces and type aliases, with each offering its own advantages and use cases.

Here's why one might choose to use TypeScript's type over interface

Flexibility and Expressiveness

  • Types defined using the type keyword offer more flexibility and expressiveness compared to interfaces. With types, you can create unions, intersections, conditional types, mapped types, and more.
  • This allows for the creation of complex and dynamic type definitions that may be difficult or impossible to express with interfaces alone.


  • Types in TypeScript can be easily composed and combined to create new types, enabling developers to build up complex types from simpler ones.
  • This composability is particularly useful when working with libraries, APIs, or data structures with varying shapes or when defining reusable type transformations or utilities.


  • While interfaces in TypeScript are primarily used for describing object shapes, types can be used to define a wide range of constructs, including primitive types, tuples, arrays, and more.
  • This makes types more versatile and extensible for defining a variety of data structures and patterns.

Readability and Conciseness

  • Depending on the context and personal preference, some developers may find the syntax for defining types using the type keyword to be more readable and concise than using interfaces.
  • Types can often convey the intended meaning of a type more directly, especially for complex or nested types.


  • Types defined using the type keyword are fully interoperable with interfaces in TypeScript.
  • This means that you can freely mix and match types and interfaces within your codebase, leveraging the strengths of each as needed.


TypeScript's type offers flexibility, expressiveness, composability, and extensibility, making it a preferred choice in certain scenarios, especially when dealing with complex or dynamic types. However, the decision to use type or interface ultimately depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project and development team.