React Hooks - Dadarkp3/pokedex GitHub Wiki

What are React Hooks?

Hooks in React are functions that enable developers to use state and other React features in functional components. Introduced in React 16.8, hooks provide a more concise and expressive way to manage component states, side effects, and other functionalities without the need for class components. They allow developers to encapsulate and reuse logic across components, leading to cleaner and more modular code.

Why use Hooks in this project?

Using hooks in small applications offers several advantages over context API or state management libraries like Redux

Simplicity and Lightweight

  • Hooks offer a simpler and more lightweight solution for managing state and side effects compared to context API or Redux.
  • They eliminate the need for additional boilerplate code and configuration, making the codebase easier to understand and maintain, especially in smaller applications where complex state management may not be necessary.

Reduced Cognitive Overhead

  • Hooks follow a more intuitive and declarative programming model, which reduces cognitive overhead for developers, especially those new to React.
  • With hooks, developers can manage component logic directly within functional components, without needing to understand the intricacies of higher-order components or Redux's actions and reducers.

Built-in React Features

  • Hooks leverage built-in React features like useState, useEffect, useContext, etc., which are designed to work seamlessly with functional components. By utilizing these native hooks, developers can take advantage of React's optimized rendering and lifecycle management, resulting in better performance and fewer potential issues compared to custom state management solutions.

Easier Testing

  • Functional components using hooks are generally easier to test compared to class components or components tightly coupled with Redux.
  • Hooks encourage a more modular and composable architecture, allowing for better isolation of logic and easier unit testing of individual components and hooks.

Lower Barrier to Entry

  • Hooks have become the de facto standard for managing state and side effects in React, and they are widely adopted by the React community.
  • Choosing hooks over context API or Redux reduces the learning curve for developers joining a project or learning React for the first time, as they only need to familiarize themselves with React's core concepts and hook APIs.


while context API and state management libraries like Redux are powerful tools for managing complex state in large-scale applications, using hooks in smaller applications offers a simpler, more lightweight, and more intuitive approach to managing component logic and state, leading to improved developer productivity and code maintainability.