Caching - Dadarkp3/pokedex GitHub Wiki

What's Caching?


Caching is the process of storing frequently accessed or computed data in a temporary storage area for quick retrieval. This temporary storage, known as a cache, is typically located closer to the point of access than the original data source, allowing for faster access times. Caching is commonly used in computing to improve system performance by reducing latency and minimizing the need to repeatedly fetch or compute data from slower or resource-intensive sources such as databases or remote servers. It plays a crucial role in enhancing the speed, efficiency, and scalability of applications, especially in scenarios where data access patterns are predictable or repetitive.

Why to use an In-Memory Caching in a Next.js BFF:

In a Next.js BFF architecture, where the backend serves as an intermediary between the frontend and various data sources, implementing in-memory caching offers several advantages


  • Memory access is significantly faster than accessing external data sources such as databases or Redis.
  • By caching frequently accessed data in memory, subsequent requests from the front end can be served with minimal latency, enhancing the overall performance and responsiveness of the application.

Simplicity and Ease of Implementation

  • In-memory caching is relatively straightforward to implement within the Next.js application itself.
  • There is no need to set up and manage additional infrastructure components like Redis servers.
  • This simplicity reduces development complexity and accelerates time-to-market for new features and enhancements.

Reduced External Dependencies

  • By relying on in-memory caching within the Next.js application, developers can minimize dependencies on external services like Redis.
  • This reduces the risk of service outages or performance degradation caused by issues with external dependencies.
  • Moreover, it simplifies deployment and scaling, as there are fewer components to manage and coordinate.

Cost Efficiency

  • In-memory caching can be more cost-effective than using external caching solutions like Redis, particularly for smaller-scale applications or projects with budget constraints.
  • Since it leverages existing memory resources within the application's server environment, there are no additional costs associated with provisioning and maintaining separate caching infrastructure.

Flexibility and Customization

  • In-memory caching allows for greater flexibility and customization in caching strategies.
  • Developers have full control over cache expiration policies, eviction mechanisms, and data storage formats.
  • This level of control enables optimization for specific use cases and performance requirements, tailoring the caching solution to the unique needs of the Next.js application.


Leveraging in-memory caching within a Next.js BFF offers a compelling combination of performance, simplicity, cost efficiency, and flexibility. By caching frequently accessed data in memory, developers can optimize the application's responsiveness, streamline development workflows, minimize dependencies, control costs, and tailor caching strategies to meet specific requirements.