Testing Ethernet readout in nightly - DUNE-DAQ/daqconf GitHub Wiki

These instructions have been tested (29 Jun 2023) on the NP04 cluster at CERN. They are provisory, but should allow a user to reproduce the tests carried out so far. The configuration with fake data and the one with real ethernet readout have TP generation enabled.

Setup development environment

source /cvmfs/dunedaq.opensciencegrid.org/setup_dunedaq.sh
setup_dbt latest
dbt-create -c -n NFD23-06-29 NFD23-06-29
cd NFD23-06-29
cd sourcecode
git clone https://github.com/DUNE-DAQ/dpdklibs -b develop
cd ..

Testing APA4 on the Intel (np02-srv-002) server:

mkdir runarea-apa4; cd runarea-apa4
cp -r /nfs/sw/eth_configurations/np04_APA4_Intel/ .
cd np04_APA4_Intel
nanorc top_eth_APA4.json apa4-eth-nightly

Then for starting the run, issue commands: boot, conf, start_run 1 Monitor your run on the OpMon Dashboard selecting your partition name.

Testing APA3 on the AMD (np02-srv-002) server:

mkdir runarea-apa3; cd runarea-apa3

From Giovanna, previously configs were here: In order to test eth readout without real data, you need:

  • a binary raw data file (wibeth_output_ALL_ZEROS.bin),
  • a readout map (np04_APA4_DetReadoutMap.json),
  • a daqconf file to generate your configuration (np04_daq_fake.json),
  • a top configuration json file (top_eth_APA4_fake.json)

In order to test eth readout with real input form the WIBs you need:

  • a readout map (np04_APA4_Intel_DetReadoutMap.json),
  • a daqconf file to generate your configuration (np04_daq.json),
  • a configuration generation file for controlling the WIBs data transmission (hermes.json).
  • a top configuration json file combining the DAQ and WIBs configuration (top_eth_APA4.json).

These ingredients can be found in the np04 cluster at /nfs/home/glehmann/eth_configurations.