Testing Strategy - DTS-STN/sc-digital-centre GitHub Wiki

There are multiple phases (push, pull request), types (unit, end-to-end, ext.), and tools (Jest, Cypress, ext.) being used in our testing strategy. This strategy is based of the Branching Strategy, so it's important to understand that first.

Test suite

Type of test Technology Additional Notes
Lint Next
Unit Jest Also performs some automated accessibility checks.
End-to-end Cypress Also perform some automated accessibility checks against a pages HTML.
SAST LGTM 3rd party tool, Looks good to me
SAST CodeQL Customised pre-built GitHub action
Smoke Cypress Executed in TeamCity as part of deploy
Dependency Check snyk 3rd party tool
Dependency Check Dependabot GitHub built in
A11y Jest axe Limited automated checks
A11y Cypress axe Page by page automated Checks
A11y Manual by Dept.
Performance TBD
Penetration TBD

Blocking Tests Prior to Merge

Merge To dev

To merge to dev, the *Feature branch must be passing all

  • Lint & Unit tests
  • End-to-end tests
  • Static Application Security Tests (SAST)
  • Smoke test (from dynamic branch deployment)

After the merge, it is expected that these test would run on the dev branch

  • Lint & Unit tests
  • End-to-end tests

Merge To main

To merge to main, the dev branch must be passing all

  • Lint & Unit tests
  • End-to-end tests
  • Static Application Security Tests (SAST)
  • Dynamic Application Security Tests (DAST)
  • Smoke test (from dev branch deployment)

After the merge, it is expected that these test would run on the main branch

  • Lint & Unit tests
  • End-to-end tests

Other Tests & Checks

This section is to further describe other tests and checks that require additional information.

Dependency Checks

Snyc and Dependabot both look at all our dependency and notifying us, creating Pull Requests when a vulnerability and fix is available for one of our listed dependencies. We would have to decide if that fix needs to go directly to main as a hotfix or be merged to dev to test integration prior. Dependabot will also inform us of dependencies that have newer versions available.

Manual Accessability (A11y) tests

We have quite a few automated accessibility checks in place, however it's impossible to fully validate accessibility with automation. So we also will make use of the department provided accessibility audit. We send on requesting audits every 3-6 months as needed based on the changes made to the application in that time.

Performance & Penetration tests

This is still a work in progress as to how these tests will be done. We intend on running these tests every 3-6 months as needed based on the changes made to the application in that time.