Developer Runbook - DSGT-DLP/Deep-Learning-Playground GitHub Wiki

Developer Runbook

This page contains information on running the application as a developer when you want to make local changes

Deep Learning Playground Onboarding


Welcome to the Deep Learning Playground project team (a DSGT Content Project). This

team's aim is to create an interactive playground for people to build and test their

machine learning and deep learning models in a quicker way. We are constructing a web

application that allows for users to drag and drop their layers (for deep learning),

set the optimizer and relevant parameters, upload their dataset and click the train

button. Once the train buttion is clicked, then the deep learning model is trained and

relevant performance metrics are outputted. Our product is essentially a low-code/no-

code solution to democratizing access to deep learning and machine learning.

Onboarding Instructions

Please refer to DLP Onboarding Instructions

Tech Stack

Below are the tools/technologies we use

  • Python
  • React.js
  • Flask
  • AWS (ECS + Fargate, ECR, EC2, Route53, ACM, Load Balancer, Dynamo DB, S3)
  • Docker