Milestone 10: Virtual Cars for Environment - DIT113-V22/group-01 GitHub Wiki

Milestone Description: The final milestone for the project is about adding more fake drivers into the environment, truly emulating the driving experience. Extra cars will appear in the environment, acting as other drivers which move independently to the user's car and follow a general path along the road. These cars can be interacted with via normal obstacle collisions but should most of all follow the traffic laws as much as possible to create a real feeling for the user.

Central Use Case of the Milestone: As a user, I want to see virtual cars that adhere to the traffic laws, in order to make the driving feel as realistic as possible when assuming manual control.

Link to Milestone


Functional Requirements

  • The system shall populate the environment with virtual cars
  • The virtual cars shall drive in a pre-defined manner
  • The system shall allow users to interact with virtual cars via collisions
  • The system shall allow the users to drive on any plane surface
  • Virtual cars drive according to traffic laws as much as possible (collision avoidance and right of way turns)
