9. User Manual - DIT113-V22/group-01 GitHub Wiki
Crusher's User Manual 📖
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Home Screen 🏠
The home screen is the first screen you are greeted with upon opening our app. There are four options to choose from: Theory, Driving, Connect Car and About us.
Connecting the Car 🔌
The Connect Car screen is the screen you want to navigate before attempting to enter the manual driving screen, as you must connect your car to the app before driving. In this screen are detailed instructions on how to get the car up and running before being to click the "Connect Car" button.
After following the instructions and pressing "Connect Car" the app will let you know on your connection status as well as showing a new screen. Therein you can see the connection status, the 'heartbeat' of the car, and how long the car has been active for. An example below shows that the car is connected and that the last 'hearbeat' and time running are shown:
The "Disconnect Car" button will allow you disconnect the car, disabling the driving feature and requiring you to reconnect before driving again.
Practice Driving 🚗
Once the car is connected, you will likely enter the Practice Driving screen. There you will get a popup that lets you know how to control the car from the get go. Below is a picture of how the driving screen will look like with extra explanations on the buttons.
Practice Theory 🧑🎓
The practice theory section is where you can choose to practice real driving license questions in different modes. Highlighted in the picture below, you can see that there are 3 modes: Practice Quiz, Theory Exam and Review. For modes Practice Quiz and Review you can then select what categories of questions you want to get tested on as well as choosing how many questions and how long you want the practice quiz to go on for.
After putting in all of the settings and pressing start, the screen below is an example of what will be shown. The top of the screen shows your quiz progress, your current score and the time left in the current quiz/exam. Below you can see the question as well as all the answer choices to chose from. Finally at the bottom there are two buttons, one for checking your current selected answer and another to move onto the next question. If you have checked the answer and it was wrong, an explanation text will show you why you were wrong; however, if you do not have an answer you can skip the current question by clicking "Next Question" twice, marking that question as a wrong answer.