OLD setup - DFID/devtracker-from-api GitHub Wiki
This site uses Sinatra framework to run the Ruby code. To get started on a Linux or OS X box:
- Rbenv
- Ruby 2.2.2 or higher
- Bundler
- The code
Step 1: Install rbenv
Installation instructions for rbenv
git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
Step 2: Install Ruby 2.2.2
rbenv install 2.2.2
Step 3: Install Bundler
Bundler helps manage Ruby dependencies effectively.
gem install bundler
Step 4: Get the code
Clone the GitHub code into a folder of your choice.
git clone https://github.com/DFID/devtracker-from-api.git
Step 5: Install the Ruby dependencies
This will pick up the Ruby dependencies from our Gemfile.
cd devtracker-from-api
rbenv local 2.2.2 #set the ruby version to 2.2.2
cd site
bundle install #installs all the gemfiles needed
Step 6: Run the app in Sinatra
ruby devtracker.rb
or if you are using rerun
rerun 'ruby devtracker.rb'
Helpful learning sources and tutorials
Doing an API Mashup with Sinatra by EngineYard