Installing on a Windows machine - DFID/devtracker-from-api GitHub Wiki
Note: this install works if you are on the physical network, but not on the VPN.
##Installing on Windows
Step 1: Install Ruby
Use Ruby Installer to install Ruby 2.2.2 on your machine.
Add Ruby to your PATH variable manually:
echo %PATH%
set PATH = C:\Ruby22\bin;%PATH%
To add Ruby to your PATH permanently, then follow these instructions.
Step 2: Download the code for DevTracker-API
If git is setup, do a clone, otherwise download and unzip from
Rename your folder to devtracker-from-api
if it is not already that name.
Step 3: Install the Ruby gems needed
(I couldn't get bundler to work properly - see below)
gem install sinatra #takes a few minutes, be patient
gem install bundler
gem install rest-open-uri
gem install rest-client
gem install json_pure
gem install activesupport
gem install rerun #for rerun support (see below)
Step 4: Run the application
cd [your path to]\devtracker-from-api\site
ruby devtracker.rb
Note: Bundler/Gemfile issue
If you try
gem install json
# or
bundle install
You get an error message:
ERROR: Error installing json:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
I tried following the instructions to install the Ruby DevKit
But the only workaround is to use the json_pure gem instead of the json gem.
gem install json_pure
I need to work out how to update the Gemfile and Gemfile_lock to reflect this.
##Remaining challenge: Git workflow
How to get git commands working in the command line....