Indexer Model (deprecated) - DDMAL/CantusDB GitHub Wiki

Indexer used to be a model in the main_app app. It has been merged with the User model.

Indexer objects represented people who have made significant contributions to Cantus Database - by indexing sources, entering a large number of text or melodies for chants, and so on.

As of late October 2022, indexers are represented as users. For people who were indexers and also have user accounts, their indexer and user objects have been merged. For people who were indexers but did not have user accounts, dummy accounts (which cannot be logged into) have been created. In both cases, their is_indexer field is marked to True, and the old pk of the indexer object is stored in the user's old_indexer_id field.

(Special recognition goes to Junhao, who did a lot of hard work to make this merge work!)