Genre model - DDMAL/CantusDB GitHub Wiki

Genre (code) is a model in the main_app app. It inherits from BaseModel.

Genres are associated with individual Chants. A chant's genre indicates information about its form, as well as about when it should be sung during an office or mass.


Genre has a Detail view and a List view.


  • name: a short string: one or several characters identifying a specific genre. Examples: R, Ite, L
  • description: a string: the name of the genre spelled out in full, sometimes along with a brief description. Examples: Responsory, Ite missa est, Lesson (when fully written out and notated).
  • mass_office: a string. Evidently, it represents whether chants of the genre are sung during a office or during a mass. Examples: Office, Mass, Old Hispanic, Mass, Office.
  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • date_created
    • date_updated
    • created_by
    • last_updated_by


  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • save()
    • display_name (property)
    • get_absolute_url()
    • get_verbose_name()
    • get_verbose_name_plural()
    • get_fields_and_properties()