Century Model - DDMAL/CantusDB GitHub Wiki

Century (code) is a model in the main_app app. It inherits from BaseModel.

Century objects are associated with sources. A century object represents the period of time during which a manuscript was created.

Century objects were present in OldCantus, and ensure that sources' century fields are standardized throughout the database (whereas they might not be standardized if they were to be represented as text fields). Data on when a manuscript was created is also stored in sources' date fields.


Century objects have a single view: The Century Detail View.


  • name: a string. Examples include '09th century', '9th century (875-900)', '10th century', '10th century (1st half)', '10th century (900-925)', and so on.
  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • date_created
    • date_updated
    • created_by
    • last_updated_by


  • inherited from BaseModel:
    • save()
    • display_name (property)
    • get_absolute_url()
    • get_verbose_name()
    • get_verbose_name_plural()
    • get_fields_and_properties()