Sample Applications - DCS-gRPC/rust-server GitHub Wiki


Jupiter is an application that will allow someone to act as a GameMaster for a mission. It will allow real-time control of units and other things (Such as placing smoke, flares and Illumination bombs). This application is very much in very incomplete ALPHA state and is included here to demonstrate what is possible.

Download here

Jupiter screenshot


lso saves carrier trap information and optionally allows them to be posted to Discord. This trap information includes LSO comments, a graphical representation of the approach and a Tacview file of the Trap that can be downloaded for closer review.

Download here



A Discord Bot that allows you to perform DCS server administration using Discord slash commands with parameter auto-completion.

Custodian Demonstration

Download here


DCScribe is a program that makes use of the unit streaming ability of DCS-gRPC to stream the position information of units and write them to a PotsgreSQL database. This data in the database can then be used for various purposes such as an online map.

Download here

DCScribe & PostgreSQL screenshot


A simple example Integrated Air Defence System. Note that this is a very simple example. It does not have most of the features that Skynet IADS has for example. However it demonstrates the possibilities.

Download here

SimpleAirDefense screenshot


OverlordBot uses DCS-gRPC to get unit information from, and communicate with, DCS servers. It also uses DCS-gRPC for sending start-up and shutdown messages. On some servers it implements custom functionality such as mission management.