Requirements - DCDanny03/SummerProject2024-Symptify GitHub Wiki


Use Case 1: Symptom Based Disease Prediction


  • The user has access to application
  • The application contains accurate up-to-date symptom disease database

Main Flow:

  1. The user opens the symptom-based disease prediction application.
  2. The application prompts the user to enter their symptoms.
  3. The user enters their symptoms separated by commas (e.g., "fever, cough, headache").
  4. The application processes the input and matches the symptoms with possible diseases using the symptom-disease database.
  5. The application displays a list of possible diseases based on the provided symptoms.
  6. The user reviews the list of possible diseases.
  7. The application advises the user to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Alternate Flow:

  • No Matching Diseases:
  1. The user enters symptoms.
  2. The application processes the input but finds no matching diseases in the database.
  3. The application displays a message indicating that no matching diseases were found.
  4. The application advises the user to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
  • Invalid Input:
  1. The user enters symptoms in an incorrect format.
  2. The application detects the invalid input.
  3. The application displays an error message prompting the user to enter symptoms in the correct format.
  4. The user re-enters symptoms in the correct format, and the application proceeds from step 4 of the main flow.