2. GATHERING PERTINENT INFORMATION - D-Div-2022-2023-Odd/Repo-3 GitHub Wiki

S.No Electric component Mechanical component Mechanism identified Link
1 DC Motor, Switch(on and off), Battery, Wires Metal thin rods, Glue gun, scissor The rods are connected in between the toy and the dc motor is connected to the battery and when the switch is turned on the dc motor starts rotating and the gears are shifted manually, and with increase in gear there should be increase in the speed of rotation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvuNozTcGoI
2 Arduino mega 2560,wires, 3-D printer, indicator for maximum gear limit digital odometer, gear wheels of diff sizes,metal rods for taking load of gears, bearings, clutch shaft metal, sliding mesh The gearbox works as the user shifts the gear manually like from gear 1 to gear 2 as he increases the gear the shaft will move from a smaller gear to a bigger one or vice versa as it's been moved by a user .This mechanism can also be used in lifting heavy objects or placing it from one place to another place. This mechanism is based on gear working principle it is used in purpose of reducing or increasing the speed https://youtu.be/aXXH8JMoDXg
3 DC Motor, Switch, Battery Scale, Compass,Glue gun, Blade, bearing wheel, Metal thin rod,scissor, sharp cutting player, pakkad The stics are connected so close that, it is easy to shift the gears about 7 speed. Neutral,1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 speed which increases the torque by changing the higher speed or or gear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkKeWP3crys
4 Engine speed control, DC Motor, Switch, Battery Shaping machine, Drilling machine, Steel thin rods, ball bearing, Screw driver There are several rods connected in a rectangular shaped box, which can increase the speed of the gears by shifting the gears manually. As the gears chnages to higher gears, the torque increases and the rotation of the wheels also increases with increase in torque. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV4Emb_Js7A