Advancements - CyclopsMC/CyclopsCore GitHub Wiki

As of Minecraft 1.12, this mod introduces certain advancement criteria types. These can be used to define custom advancements that are triggered on custom events.

Item Crafted

  • JSON Key: cyclopscore:item_crafted
  • JSON Value: List of Minecraft item predicates
  • Trigger: When a player crafts an item, i.e., when the Forge PlayerEvent.ItemCraftedEvent is called. Example:
  "criteria": {
    "criteria_0": {
      "trigger": "cyclopscore:item_crafted",
      "conditions": {
        "items": [
            "item": "integrateddynamics:drying_basin"

Mod Item Obtained

  • JSON Key: cyclopscore:mod_item_obtained
  • JSON Value: mod_id
  • Trigger: When a player picks up, crafts or smelts an item of the given mod. Example:
  "criteria": {
    "criteria_0": {
      "trigger": "cyclopscore:mod_item_obtained",
      "conditions": {
        "mod_id": "integrateddynamics"

Container Gui Open

  • JSON Key: cyclopscore:container_gui_open
  • JSON Value: container_class
  • Trigger: When a player opens a gui container of the given type (Java class), can be a supertype. Example:
  "criteria": {
    "criteria_0": {
      "trigger": "cyclopscore:container_gui_open",
      "conditions": {
        "container_class": "org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.inventory.container.ContainerLogicProgrammerBase"