features - CursedAtom/soopyv2-installer GitHub Wiki

SoopyV2 Features:

Huge shoutout goes to @blubbie. for making this


waypoint commands

/addwaypoints [name] [x[ [y] [z] [r?] [g?] [b?] [area?:] - Allows you to create a waypoint

/delwaypoint [name] - Allows you to delete a waypoint

/clearwaypoints - allows you to clear all waypoints

/savewaypoints - Copies the waypoints to your clipboard

/loadwaypoints - Loads waypoints from your clipboard

Load waypoints from /patcher sendcoords messages, these will dissapear after 1 minute

Ch waypoints - Syncs your Crystal Hollows waypoints to those of other users

Ordered waypoints line - Draws a line from you to the next ordered waypoint

Ordered waypoints – if you have numbered waypoints it will automatically sort them if you do: /loadwaypoints, /converttoorder, /clearwaypoints, /loadorderedwaypoints


Box around bestiary mobs - Shows a box around certain bestiary mobs

Bestiary slots - Allows you to track your bestiary on your screen

Better Guis

Improve Clicks on SBMENU - Changes clicks to middle clicks and will use commands if possible

Custom Museum GUI - Shows a custom GUI for the museum including: favourite items, weapons%, armor sets%, rarities% and amount of special items donated

Custom Dungeon Ready GUI - Shows a custom dungeon ready-up gui allowing you to press a big button to ready up, warns you if there are less than 5 players

Inventory Search Bar - Creates a search bar at the bottom of your inventory, this includes a calculator

Custom hp and mana bar - Hides your armor and hunger bar, creates custom bars for hp and mana

Dungeon Routes

3-5 business days

Dungeon Solvers

Correct Livid Finder - Highlights the real Livid in the f5 boss fight

Show Livid hp - Shows the nametag of the correct Livid

Correct Livid hp Location -Allows you to move the location of the Show Livid hp mod

Put a box around the correct Livid - Shows a box around the Livid you need to kill

Hide nametags of incorrect Livids - Hides the nametags of the Livids you don’t need to kill

Spirit bow timer - Shows a timer on your screen to show when the spirit bow will self-destruct

Spirit bow destroy timer location - Allows you to edit the location of the Spirit bow timer

Spirit bear timer - Shows a timer on your screen for when the spirit bear will spawn

Spirit bear spawn timer location - Allowes you to edit the location of the spirit bear timer

Fire freeze timer - Shows a timer on your screen for when to fire freeze in f3 / m3

Fire freeze timer location - Allows you to edit the location of the fire freeze timer

Blood camp assist - Shows a rough estimate of where the blood mobs will spawn

Run speed and exp rates - Shows you the dungeon run speed and how much xp you would get per hour

Run speed and exp rates location - Allows you to edit the location of the run speed and exp rates information

Show score calculation - Calculates the score you will get at the end of the dungeon

Score calculation location - Allows you to edit the location of the score calculation

Blaze puzzle solver - Helps you kill the right blaze in order

Terracotter respawn timer - Shows a timer above the terracotta for when it’s going to respawn

Bonzo / spirit mask timer - Shows on your screen when your bonzo mask / spirit mask is ready

Bonzo / spirit mask location - Allows you to edit the location of the bonzo / spirit mask timer

Spirit mask timer outside dungeons - Shows the spirit mask timer also outside of dungeons

Bonzo mask proc’ed alert - Shows a title on your screen when your bonzo mask proc’s

Bonzo mask proc’ed message - Allows you to change the title that appears on your screen when your bonzo mask procs

Spirit mask proc’ed alert - Shows a title on your screen when your spirit mask procs

Spirit mask proc’ed message - Allows you to change the title that appears on your screen when your spirit mask procs

Change withermancer death message to forgor – changes was killed by Withermancer to forgor.

Waypoints for P3 F7 / M7 - Shows waypoints for unfinished terminals in stage 3 of the f7 / m7 boss fight

Show how many terminals / devices all players did - Tells you how many terminals / devices all players did at the end of stage 3 in the f7 / m7 boss fight

Ice Spray drop ping - Shows a big title on your screen when you drop an ice spray wand

M3 / f3 gaurdian hp - Shows how many hp the guardians have on top of the guardians

Stair stonk helper - Shows a line on where you need to drop through the stairs


Load burrials from particles - Toggle finding Diana burrials from particles Estimate burrial location from ability - Shows a line and box on where the mod thinks the next burrial is. Requires default hypixel music disabled, particles on and audio on

Show other users inquis locations - If disabled other people can’t see your Inquisitors

show cool title when someone’s inquis spawned - shows a title on your screen when someone spawned an Inquisitor for lootshare

only send inquis ping to party members - only sends the inquisitor title to your party members (if you are in a party)

only receive inquisitor pings from party members - only let’s you get titles on your screen from your party members

render mythological mobs hp on your screen - Shows the hp of the mythological mobs somewhere on your screen

Mythological mobs hp location - Allows you to change the location of the mythological mobs hp

Tia fairy task thingo - Solver for the fairy relays

Shiny blocks highlight - Highlights ender nodes / shiny blocks in the end

Glowing mushrooms highlight - Highlights glowing mushrooms

Trevor theodite solver - Shows you where the animal is you need to hunt

block zapper farm cooldown - warns you if your block zapper is on cooldown

USE MANA REMINDER - Reminds you to use your mana for bingo goal

Frag Bot

/fragbot - Makes you auto-accept party invites to act as a fragbot

Global Settings

Api key - Allows you to put in your Hypixel api key

Verify api key - Makes sure your api key is working when you click on the button

Run /api new - Automatically runs /api new for you when you click the button

Attempt to load api key from other mods - Will scan other mods to see if your api key is in there

Send chat update available for all updates - If disabled it will notify you less about new updates

Dark theme - Changes the soopyv2 menu to the dark theme

Hide falling blocks - Hides blocks that are falling like sand and anvils

Ingame twitch bot commands - Allows you to use the commands of the twitch bot but ingame, eg -sa

Replace [hand] with your currently held item - If you type [hand] in chat it will replace it with your currently held item

(Approximate) Item worth in lore - Shows the item worth including enchantsments and other stuff

Show hecatomb enchant info in lore - Shows how much progress you have made for that item’s hecatomb enchant

Show champion enchant info in lore - Shows how much progress you have made for that item’s champion enchant

Thunder bottle progress display - Shows you how much progress you have made on your thunder bottle

Thunder bottle progress display location - Allows you to change where the thunder bottle progress is displayed

Thunder bottle full alert - Alerts you when your thunder bottle is completely filled up

Use old master stars - Replaces the ([amount of master stars]) after the item with the old master stars

Sba item pick up log - Has the same pick up log like sba but adds the old master stars

Sba item pick up log location - Allows you to change the location of the sba item pick up log

Pickup log line limit - Allows you to change the maximum amount of lines the sba item pick up log can have

Fancy vanquisher alert - Alerts you when a vanquisher spawns

Fancy sea creatures alert - Alerts you when you have caught x creature (main toggle)

Fancy thunder alert - Alerts you when you have caught a Thunder sea creature

Fancy jawbus alert - Alerts you when you have caught a Lord Jawbus sea creature

Image overlay thingo - 3-5 business days

Guild features

Shorten guild message prefix - Shortens the “Guild >” to G >”

Bridge bot ign - Allows you to put in an ign to do idk what with


Fps enabled - Shows your fps on your screen

Fast fps update - Makes the fps update more than once a second

Low fps display - Displays the minimum fps next to your fps (useful for finding frame drops)

Show fps - Allows you to edit the location of the fps meter

Show cps - Shows your cps (clicks per second) on your screen

Cps include right click - Also includes right clicks in the cps counter

Cps seperate right click - Adds a second value for right clicks per second

Cps location - Allows you to change the location of the cps counter

Show current pet -Shows your current pet on your screen

Pet location - Allows you to change the location of your current pet (on your screen)

Scan pets menu gui for selected pet - Can be disabled for less lag in the pets menu

Show location - Shows you location (x, y, z) on your screen

Show soulflow - Shows your internalized soulflow on your screen

Show when 0 soulflow - Shows / hides your soulflow counter if you have 0 internalized soulflow

Soulflow location - Allows you to edit the location of your soulflow counter

Show lobby tps - Shows the tps of your lobby (best = 20)

Show wither impact cooldown - Shows a timer on your screen for the wither impact ability on your hyperion

Show current playing spotify song - Shows the current song that is playing on the desktop version of spotify on your screen

Spotify location - Allows you to edit the location of the spotify text

Show current lobby day - Shows the current day of the lobby you are in

Lobby day location - Allows you to edit the location of the current lobby day text

Show current lobby day ONLY WHEN under day 30 - Only shows the lobby day if it’s under day 30

Alert when pots are about to run out - Alerts you when your potion effects are about to run out (in chat)

Show pots on Hud - Shows your current potions on your screen

Pots Hud location - Allows you to change the location of the potion timer

Hud stat slot ## - Allows you to display any stat on your Hud eg: deaths, fishing xp

Hud stat ## location - Allows you to edit the location of a Hud stat

Show dragon damages - Will show the top 3 damagers + you somewhere on your screen (end dragon fights)

Damage location - Allows you to change the location of the show dragon damages mod

Spider den thundering timer - Will show a timer for how long it will thunder in the Spider’s den

Thunder timer element - Allows you to change the location of the thunder timer

Spider den RAIN timer - Shows a timer for how long it will rain in the Spider’s den

Packets / second - Debug thingy, don’t worry about it

Locked Features

idk, unknown


Show bal hp – will guess how much hp bal has left

Show bal hp and respawn timer Hud – Will show bal’s hp and when he’s gonna respawn on your screen

Hud location – allows you to change the location of the bal hp and respawn timer

Bal pet alert – alerts you when you have dropped a bal pet so you don’t lose it

Show unlocked gemstone slots – will show all the unlocked gemstone slots on an item

Show contained gemstones – shows the gemstones currently applied to an item

Show compact blocks in the current session – Shows the progress you have gained for that item’s compact in this session

Hud location – allows you to change the location of the show compact progress in the current session

Only show compact progress when its above 0 – hides the compact counter if it’s 0

Show $/h made from gemstone mining - shows how much money you will make per hour whilst gemstone mining on your screen

Hud location – allows you to change the location of the show $/h made from gemstone mining

Force npc price - Uses the npc sell price for the show $/h made from gemstone mining (more accurate for ironman players)

Show the current and next crystal hollows event - shows the current and next mining event in the crystal hollows using data from other Soopy users

Hud location – allows you to change the location of how the current and next crystal hollows event

Metal detector solver - shows you where to go using the metal detector in the Mines of Divan (Crystal Hollows)

Alert when all 4 tools in inventory – alerts you when you have all the tools in the Mines of Divan

Ooga Booga Nether

Mastery timer – shows a countdown on the block until it turns red in the dojo

Show next block to stand on for dojo swiftness – shows the next block you should stand on so you don’t fall in the lava in the dojo

Show line for fireball in dojo tenacity – shows the trajectory of the fireballs in the dojo tenacity challenge

Show overlay for zombies in dojo discipline – shows an overlay for the zombies in the dojo discipline challenge so you don’t use the wrong sword

Shows where you actually have to look for contol dojo task – shows you where to look in the control dojo challenge (accounts for ping)

Show hostage waypoints – shows waypoints for the hostage tasks in the crimson isle

Show timer over rod – shows a timer on your bobber when you cast your rod, usefull for catching slugfish

Nether miniboss nametag Hud – shows the hp of the crimson isle minibosses on your screen (not including magma cube boss)


RNG Meter info display – shows you the rng meter of the thing you’re currently doing

Slayer meter reset alert – alerts you when your slayer RNG Meter resets

Slayer RNG drop title – shows a big title on your screen if you drop a RNG drop


Show slayer exp on boss kill – tells you the amount of xp you gained off of that slayer boss, also tells you spawn and kill time

Show boss slain alert – alerts you when you have killed your slayer boss

Show bos spawned alert – alerts you when your slayer boss has spawned

Show boss spawn and kill time – shows the spawn and kill time in chat once it’s slain

Boss spawn & kill time using decimal point – allows you to change how many decimal points are displayed in chat for the show boss spawn and kill time feature

Show your boss’s kill time – shows your boss’s kill time in chat after the boss has been slain

Boss kill time using decimal point – allows you to change how many decimal points are displayed in chat for the show boss’s kill time feature

Render the xp of your current slayer on your screen – shows the xp of the current slayer (zombie, spider, wolf) on your screen

Slayer xp location – allows you to change the location of the render the xp of your current slayer on your screen feature

Alert when miniboss spawned nearby – alerts you when you have spawned a miniboss

Also make a sound when miniboss spawned – makes a sound when you spawn a miniboss

Draws boxes around minibosses – creates a box around minibosses so they’re easier to see

Draws boxes around area minibosses – creates boxes around minibosses in specific areas (Voidling Extremists in void sepulture)

Disable miniboss features when your boss spawned – disables all of the miniboss features when your boss spawnes

List nearby miniboss hp on screen – Will show a list of the hp of nearby minibosses

Nearby miniboss hp location – allows you to change the location of the list nearby miniboss hp on screen feature

Also hides mob nametag when it’s dead – improvement for skytils’s hide dead entitiy feature

Box around enderman slayer boss – creates a box around YOUR enderman slayer boss

Box and line to the enderman beacon – highlights the enderman beacon and creates a line so you can find it easier

DinkDonk when beacon is spawned – creates a sound (ding-dong) when the enderman boss spawns a beacon

Beacon DinkDonk but only Dink once – only creates the ding sound from the ding dong sounds when the

Sound it plays for beacon ping – allows you to customize the sound it plays when the enderman slayer boss spawns a boss

Put a box around the enderman eye things – creates a box around the flying enderman eyes during the enderman slayer phase

Render the enderman hp on your screen - shows the enderman hp, what phase you are in and if a beacon is spawned on your screen

Eman hp location – allows you to change the location of the enderman hp feature

Eman hyp hits before Dae axe swapping – tells you how many times you need to hit the enderman boss with your hyperion before swapping to you Dae axe

Hyperion damage – here you can enter your hyperion damage for the eman hyp hits before Dae axe swapping (in millions)

Show hits left timing – allows you to change when the hits before dae axe swap by putting in the boss’s health

Thunderlord level – here you can enter the thunderlord level of your hyperion for the eman hyp hits before dae axe swap feature

Hide your summons’ nametags – hides the nametags of your summons so you can see the boss clearly

Warns you when a summon is low – warns you when the health of a summon is low so it doesn’t die

When will it start warning you – here you can put in a number (will be used as a percentage) for when to warn you that your summon is low

Render the hp of your summons on your screen – shows the hp of your summons on your screen

Summon hp location – allows you to change the location of the hp of your summons (on your screen)

Adds a timer for the boss lazer phase – shows a timer on your screen to show you how long the lazer phase is gonna last

Eman lazer phase timer location – allows you to change the location of the eman lazer phase timer

Show slayer speed and xp rates – shows how much xp you would be getting per hour (including downtime)

Slayer speed and xp rates location – allows you to change the location of the slayer speed and xp rates location

DinkDonk & box for blaze tower – makes a sound and creates a box around a fire pillar during blaze slayer

Shows slayer progress in middle of screen when close – unknown

Slayer progress location – allows you to change the location of the show slayer progress in the middle of screen when close feature

Show other users slayer boss locations – highlights slayer boss locations of other bosses for lootshare

Disable enderman teleportation – Vissually disables enderman teleportation so it looks better

Box around Arachne Keeper – creates a red box around the Arachne keepers so they’re easier to see

Arachne Keeper spawned alert – alerts you when an Arachne Keeper spawned

Nested Endermite spawn alert – alerts you if Nested Endermites spawn from ender nodes (shiny blocks)

Spam Hider

Hide some messages – hides messages that could be spammy from chat

Move some messsages to spam hider – will move some messages to a second chat

Move spammed chat messages to spam hider – moves messages that are spammed to a second chat

Spam hider text shadow – allows you to choose if the second chat should have a text shadow

Show friend message – change if it should show friend join / leave messages

Show guild message – change if it should show guild join / leave messages

Show pet level message – change if it should show pet level up messages

Remove limited tp msg – completely removes the ‘there are blocks in the way’ messages

Show autopet rule – change if it should show autopet rule messages


Compact powder messages – the same one as in skytils but it supports these settings too

Fix chat messages during double powder – displays the correct amount of powder in powder messages

Suffix of previous message – changes the suffix of a powder chat message if it’s double powder

Powder info on hud – shows all the information of the current powder mining session; if 2x powder is active, how many chests you have opened, how many mithril and how many gemstone powder you have gotten

Powder mining info hud location – allows you to change the location of the powder info on hud feature /resetpowderdata – resets the powder data

Mithril & gemstone powder/h – change if it should show mithril and gemstone powder on the powder mining info hud

Chests/h – change if it should shows chests on the powder mining info hud

Reset powder when left ch – resets powder info when you leave ch

Reset powder when left game – resets powder info when you leave the game

Alert when you dug a chest out – alerts you when you have dug up a chest so you don’t miss it

Chest unlock helper – helps you unlock the chests that you dig up

Alert sound for chest alert – plays a sound when you dig up a chest

Gemstone messages hider – hides the “You received 16 rough amethyst gemstones.” Messages

Gemstone messages hider show flawless – shows the gemstone messages if you get a flawless gemstone

Wishing compass message hider – hides the “You received 1 wishing compass.” Messages

Ascension rope hider – hides the “You received 1 ascension rope.” Messages

Show area treasure – what, unkown

Scatha counter hud – shows you alot of information of your screen; kills (worms and scathas), worms killed, scathas killed, worms since scatha, rare scatha pets dropped, epic scatha pets dropped, legendary scatha pets dropped, scathas killed since scatha pet dropped

Scatha counter hud location – allows you to change the location of the scatha counter

Scatha health hud – shows the health of a worm / scatha that you just dug up

Scatha health hud location – allows you to change the location of the scatha health hud feature

/scathaset - allows you to change values on the scatha counter hud feature

/ss - does the same as /scathaset

Worm/scatha spawned alert – alerts you when a scatha / worm has spawned

Worm/scatha spawned chat message – sends a chat message when a worm / scatha has spawned

Pet dropped alert – shows a big title on your screen when you dropped a scatha pet

Stat Next To Name

Pink star next to name – shows that that player is also using soopyv2

Stat to show – allows you to change what stat it should show next to a player’s name

Use ur api key for data loading – uses your own api key to load your stats (if you are connected to the Soopy server)

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