Dry sterilization using an oven (draft) - Cuddington-Lab/documents GitHub Wiki


Oven and hot material: Touching any internal parts of the oven or material placed in the oven during a dry autoclaving run may cause burns.


  • Cover all glasses with aluminum foil, leaving a small opening to allow gas exchange
  • Wrap all tweezers with aluminum foil, ensuring a complete enclosure
  • Ensure oven is off and cooled off
  • Open the oven and place all the material inside
  • Set oven to 180 °C for 3 hours, which allows for oven preheating, cooling down, and at least 1 hour of sterilization in high temperatures (https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/sterilization/other-methods.html)

How to use the oven:

  • Keep the on/off button pressed for a few seconds for the oven to turn on
  • Wait for the oven to test its functioning for about 4 times (it will display "Test" on the screen)
  • Press "menu" to activate the menu bar, then ensure the red selection is on the thermometer
  • Use the side arrows to select the right temperature
  • Press "menu" to confirm
  • Press "menu" again, and use the side arrows to select the timer (red selection)
  • Select the amount of hours for the oven run
  • Confirm using the "menu" button
  • You are all done. The display will return to its default mode. In the menu bar, the "timer" icon will be illuminated and rotating
  • The next day, ensure the oven is turned off and cooled down before opening its door (the door keeps automatically locked if the temperature is above 80 °C)
  • Close tightly all of the aluminum foil coverings
  • Remove the sterilized material from the oven
  • Put material away in cabinets

For procedures using the oven in low temperatures, refer to the following links:

Drying duckweeds

Discarding non-native specimens