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Getting Started

Install the plugin

To start using the plugin just download ElytraBooster.jar, open your server folder and put the file in the plugins folder. After this you can reload the server, or enable the plugin using Plugman, and you will be able to use ElytraBooster at its fullest!

Work with Boosters

A Booster is a general object that boosts a player flying with elytra. There are three types of Boosters available:

List of Commands

  • /eb help [page] Print the help message.
  • /eb reload Reloads ElytraBooster config files.
  • /eb portal help Print the portals help message.
  • /eb spawner help Print the spawners help message.
  • /eb pad help Print the pads help message.

Configuration Files


config.yml is a simple file that contains some simple parameters:

#The interval between the drawing of two outlines
portalOutlineInterval: 4

#The interval between two searches by the portal for players passing inside
portalCheckInterval: 1

#The interval between two searches by the spawner entities for players passing nearby
spawnerCheckInterval: 1

#Sets the locale file for translations
locale: en-US

#If it is true, the plugin will check for updates
updateChecker: true

#config.yml file version
version: 2.0


portal.yml is a file that will store the informations about every portal that will be loaded in the server, the modification of this file is suggested only after taking a backup of it. If possible using the ingame GUI is better.


spawner.yml is a file that will store the informations about every spawnerthat will be loaded in the server, the modification of this file is suggested only after taking a backup of it. If possible using the ingame GUI is better. spawner.yml file is:


pad.yml is a file that will store the informations about every pad that will be loaded in the server, the modification of this file is suggested only after taking a backup of it. If possible using the ingame GUI is better.

List of Permissions

    description: Show help message permission
    default: op

    description: Modify booster permission
    default: op

    description: Reload plugin data permission
    default: op

    default: true

    description: Wildcard booster usage permission
    default: true
      eb.boosters.boost: true

    description: Wildcard booster editing permission
    default: op
      eb.admin.help: true
      eb.admin.modify: true
      eb.admin.reload: true

    description: Wildcard ElytraBooster permission
    default: op
      eb.boosters.*: true
      eb.admin.*: true