Find FalconDuplicate - CrowdStrike/psfalcon GitHub Wiki
Find potential duplicate hosts within your Falcon environment
If the 'Hosts' parameter is not provided, all Host information will be retrieved. An error will be displayed if required fields 'cid', 'device_id', 'first_seen', 'last_seen', 'hostname' and any defined 'filter' value are not present.
Hosts are grouped by 'cid', 'hostname' and any defined 'filter' values, then sorted by 'last_seen' time. Any result other than the one with the most recent 'last_seen' time is considered a duplicate host and is returned within the output.
Hosts can be hidden from the Falcon console by piping the results of 'Find-FalconDuplicate' to 'Invoke-FalconHostAction' using the action 'hide_host'.
Requires 'Hosts: Read'.
Name | Type | Description | Min | Max | Allowed | Pipeline | PipelineByName |
Hosts | Object[] | Array of detailed Host results | |||||
Filter | String[] | Property to determine duplicates, in addition to 'Hostname' |
external_ip local_ip mac_address os_version platform_name serial_number
Platform | String | Filter hosts by platform |
Linux Mac Windows
Find-FalconDuplicate [[-Hosts] <Object[]>] [[-Filter] <String[]>] [[-Platform] <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PSFalcon includes a command called Find-FalconDuplicate
which will analyze the result of a detailed Get-FalconHost output to find potential duplicates (through grouping by hostname, then sorting by last_seen
time and selecting all but the most recent). Additional criteria can be added using the Filter
Find-FalconDuplicate | Export-Csv .\duplicates.csv
See Find duplicate hosts and hide them.
2023-04-25: PSFalcon v2.2.5