Edit FalconFirewallGroup - CrowdStrike/psfalcon GitHub Wiki



Modify Falcon Firewall Management rule groups


All fields (plus 'rulegroup_version' and 'tracking') are required when making a rule group change. PSFalcon adds missing values automatically using data from your existing rule group.

'DiffOperation' array objects must contain 'from', 'op', 'path' and 'value' properties. Accepted 'op' values are 'add', 'remove' and 'replace'.

When adding a rule to a rule group,the required rule fields must be included along with a 'temp_id' (in both the rule properties and in precedence order within 'rule_ids') to establish proper placement of the rule within the rule group. Simlarly, the value 'null' must be placed within 'rule_versions' in precedence order.

Requires 'Firewall management: Write'.


Name Type Description Min Max Allowed Pipeline PipelineByName
DiffOperation Object[] An array of hashtables containing rule or rule group changes
Comment String Audit log comment
RuleId String[] Firewall rule 'family' value(s) from the existing rule group [or 'temp_id' for each new rule]
RuleVersion String[] Firewall rule version value(s) from the existing rule group [or 'null' for each new rule]
Id String Rule group identifier X X
Validate Switch Toggle to perform validation, instead of modifying rule group


Edit-FalconFirewallGroup [-DiffOperation] <Object[]> [[-Comment] <String>] [[-RuleId] <String[]>] [[-RuleVersion] <String[]>] [-Id] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Edit-FalconFirewallGroup [-DiffOperation] <Object[]> [[-Comment] <String>] [[-RuleId] <String[]>] [[-RuleVersion] <String[]>] [-Id] <String> -Validate [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]



PATCH /fwmgr/entities/rule-groups/v1
PATCH /fwmgr/entities/rule-groups/validation/v1




Enable a firewall rule group

Edit-FalconFirewallGroup -Id <id> -DiffOperation @{ op = 'replace'; path = '/enabled'; value = $true }

Add a rule at the beginning of a firewall rule group

$DiffOperation = @(
        op = 'add'
        path = '/rules/0'
        value = @{
            temp_id = '1'
            name = 'First rule in a group'
            description = 'Example'
            platform_ids = @('0')
            enabled = $false
            action = 'ALLOW'
            direction = 'IN'
            address_family = 'NONE'
            protocol = '6'
            fields = @(
                    name = 'network_location'
                    type = 'set'
                    values = @( 'ANY' )
            local_address = @(@{ address = '*'; netmask = 0 })
            remote_address = @(@{ address = '*'; netmask = 0 })
$Group = Get-FalconFirewallGroup -Id <id>
$Rule = Get-FalconFirewallRule -Id $Group.rule_ids
$RuleId = @('1') + $Group.rule_ids
$RuleVersion = @('null') + $Rule.version
Edit-FalconFirewallGroup -Id $Group.id -DiffOperation $DiffOperation -RuleId $RuleId -RuleVersion $RuleVersion

Rename a firewall group

Edit-FalconFirewallGroup -Id <id> -DiffOperation @{ op = 'replace'; path = '/name'; value = 'my new name' }

Rename a firewall rule inside of a group

$Group = Get-FalconFirewallGroup -Filter "name:'my_group'" -Detailed
$Rule = Get-FalconFirewallRule -Id $Group.rule_ids
$Family = ($Rule | Where-Object { $_.name -eq 'my target rule' }).family
$Index = $Group.rule_ids.IndexOf($Family)
Edit-FalconFirewallGroup -Id $Group.id -DiffOperation @{ op = 'replace'; path = "/rules/$Index/name"; value = 'my new rule name' }

2024-09-03: PSFalcon v2.2.7

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