ConvertTo FalconFirewallRule - CrowdStrike/psfalcon GitHub Wiki



Convert firewall rules to be compatible with Falcon Firewall Management


Ensures that an object (either from the pipeline, or via CSV import) has the required properties to be accepted as a valid Falcon Firewall Management rule.

Rules that contain both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will generate errors, along with any rules that are missing the required properties defined by the 'Map' parameter.

Converted rules used with 'New-FalconFirewallGroup' to create groups containing newly converted rules.


Name Type Description Min Max Allowed Pipeline PipelineByName
Map Hashtable A hashtable containing the following keys with the corresponding CSV column or rule property as the value

Required: action, description, direction, enabled, local_address, local_port, name, protocol, remote_address,
Optional: image_name, network_location, service_name
Path String Path to a CSV file containing rules to convert
Object Object An existing rule object to convert X


ConvertTo-FalconFirewallRule [-Map] <Hashtable> [-Path] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
ConvertTo-FalconFirewallRule [-Map] <Hashtable> -Object <Object> [<CommonParameters>]


2024-12-19: PSFalcon v2.2.8

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️