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Installation, Upgrades & Removal

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FalconPy leverages the Python Package Index for distribution, making installation and maintenance easy. There are two packages for FalconPy, the production package crowdstrike-falconpy (also referred to as the 'stable release'), and the development package crowdstrike-falconpy-dev.

Production Package

For most developer scenarios, the production package will be the preferred solution.

Installing the stable release

Stable releases of FalconPy are available on the Python Package Index and are the default installation option.

Virtual environment installation using Poetry

poetry add crowdstrike-falconpy

Virtual environment installation using Pipenv

pipenv install crowdstrike-falconpy

Local installation

python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy

You may also call pip3 directly to perform an installation:

pip3 install crowdstrike-falconpy

Upgrading the stable release

Upgrading the package to the latest stable release follows a similar pattern.

Upgrading in a virtual environment using Poetry

Updates are performed as dictated by the contents of your pyproject.toml file. If this file is pinned to a specific version, the following command will have no effect.

poetry update crowdstrike-falconpy

Upgrading in a virtual environment using Pipenv

Updates are performed as dictated by the contents of your Pipfile. If this file is pinned to a specific version, the following command will have no effect.

pipenv update crowdstrike-falconpy

Upgrading your local environment

python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy --upgrade


pip3 install crowdstrike-falconpy --upgrade

Installing the Bleeding Edge release

The Bleeding Edge release is the latest release of the production package after new changes but prior to the release of this package to the production index. The period of time between the Bleeding Edge release and the production release is referred to as soak time and typically lasts for a few days to a week. If you'd like to try the Bleeding Edge version of the stable release, you will need to use the PyPI test index.

Bleeding Edge installation using Poetry

In order to install the Bleeding Edge release, you will need to add the test index to your pyproject.toml file.

PLEASE NOTE: The source command is available in Poetry v1.2.0+. For scenarios where you are unable to the upgrade to the latest version of Poetry, these changes will need to be manually implemented within your pyproject.toml file.

poetry source add -s testpypi

This will add the following to your pyproject.toml file.

name = "testpypi"
url = ""
default = false
secondary = true

Once the test index is enabled for your project, you can update the crowdstrike-falconpy package using this new index.

First we remove the production package.

poetry remove crowdstrike-falconpy

Then we add in the Bleeding Edge package.

poetry add --source testpypi crowdstrike-falconpy

This will update your pyproject.toml file as follows.

crowdstrike-falconpy = {version = "^1.x.x", source = "testpypi"}

When you have completed testing and want to swap back to the production package, you can revert these changes quickly.

Remove the Bleeding Edge package.

poetry remove crowdstrike-falconpy

Install the production package.

poetry add crowdstrike-falconpy

Bleeding Edge installation using Pipenv

You can specify the index you wish to install from using the --pypi-mirror flag.

pipenv install --pypi-mirror crowdstrike-falconpy

Local installation

python3 -m pip install -i crowdstrike-falconpy


pip3 install -i crowdstrike-falconpy

Upgrading to the Bleeding Edge release

This package is updated as part of our regular build cycle, you may move to the Bleeding Edge release at any time and maintain it in your environment exactly as you would the stable release.

Using Poetry or Pipenv to upgrade to the Bleeding Edge release

You may use Poetry or Pipenv to upgrade to the latest Bleeding Edge release by following the installation procedure detailed above.

Local upgrades

To upgrade to the Bleeding Edge version you can use the following command:

python3 -m pip install -i crowdstrike-falconpy --upgrade


pip3 install -i crowdstrike-falconpy --upgrade

Uninstalling and removing the package

Uninstalling and removing the FalconPy package entirely can be performed quickly regardless of your preferred solution.

Uninstalling from a virtual environment using Poetry

poetry remove crowdstrike-falconpy

Uninstalling from a virtual environment using Pipenv

pipenv uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy

Uninstalling locally

python3 -m pip uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy


pip3 uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy

Please note: This will uninstall whichever version of FalconPy you have installed, bleeding edge or stable.

Development package

The FalconPy development package (crowdstrike-falconpy-dev) is released from the dev branch as part of the code review and testing process. New library functionality and changes will be released to the development package prior to the production package and are available for pre-release testing.

NOTE: The development package uses a different module name, falconpydev. You will need to update your import to match.

Installing the development release

The development package can be installed to your local or virtual environment using the same commands.

Virtual environment installation using Poetry

poetry add crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

Virtual environment installation using Pipenv

pipenv install crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

Local installation

python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

You may also call pip3 directly to perform an installation:

pip3 install crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

Upgrading to the most recent development release

You can upgrade to the latest release by installing updates via the Python Package Index.

Upgrading in a virtual environment using Poetry

Updates are performed as dictated by the contents of your pyproject.toml file. If this file is pinned to a specific version, the following command will have no effect.

poetry update crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

Upgrading in a virtual environment using Pipenv

Updates are performed as dictated by the contents of your Pipfile. If this file is pinned to a specific version, the following command will have no effect.

pipenv update crowdstrike-falconpy-dev

Upgrading your local environment

python3 -m pip install crowdstrike-falconpy-dev --upgrade


pip3 install crowdstrike-falconpy-dev --upgrade

Uninstalling and removing the development package

As before, uninstalling the development package is also a simple process.

Uninstalling from a virtual environment using Poetry

poetry remove crowdstrike-falconpy

Uninstalling from a virtual environment using Pipenv

pipenv uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy

Uninstalling locally

python3 -m pip uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy-dev


pip3 uninstall crowdstrike-falconpy-dev
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