Frontend Routes - CroissantAhhh/animevideo GitHub Wiki

Frontend Routes

This web app uses the following API routes to dynamically update the page to create a single-page-app-like feel for the user for specific features.

Homepage Routes

  • the about page, this page is the default homepage for logged out users, logged in users may also navigate to this page
    • GET / (for logged out users)

Media/Album/Song Routes

  • users can view all the albums associated with an anime/video game, and then, all the songs associated with an album
    • GET /:mediaName

Album Routes

  • GET /:mediaName/:albumName

Track Routes

  • GET /:mediaName/:albumName/:trackName


  • GET /upload
  • GET /upload/media
  • GET /upload/album
  • GET /upload/track


  • GET /search
  • GET /search/?queryString