Comprehensive Guide on Using SDKs for CryptoQuest Development

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Unity SDK
  3. Utilizing Polkadot SDK for Unity
  4. Implementing Metaplay SDK
  5. Developing with Unreal Engine SDK
  6. Setting Up PlayStation SDK for PS5 Development
  7. Using MetaMask SDK
  8. Using Circle USDC SDK

1. Introduction

Developing CryptoQuest: The Shards of Genesis involves integrating multiple technologies and platforms to create an immersive and seamless gaming experience. This guide covers setting up and using essential SDKs to streamline development across Unity, Unreal Engine, PlayStation 5, MetaMask, and Circle for blockchain integration and payment processing.

2. Setting Up Unity SDK

Unity Real-Time Development Platform

Unity provides a powerful platform for creating 2D, 3D, VR, and AR games. Follow these steps to set up the Unity SDK:

  1. Download and Install Unity Hub:

    • Visit the Unity Hub Download Page and install Unity Hub.
    • Install the necessary Unity Editor version via Unity Hub.
  2. Create a New Project:

    • Open Unity Hub, click on "New", choose a template, and create your project.
  3. Install the Unity SDK:

    • In Unity Editor, navigate to Window > Package Manager.
    • Search for relevant packages (e.g., Advertisement Legacy) and install them.


3. Utilizing Polkadot SDK for Unity

Polkadot SDK for Unity

  1. Install the Polkadot SDK:

  2. Integrate with Unity:

    • Follow the instructions to import the SDK into your Unity project.
  3. Configure Blockchain Settings:

    • Set up blockchain connection settings as per the SDK documentation.


4. Implementing Metaplay SDK

Metaplay SDK

  1. Download Metaplay SDK:

  2. Import SDK into Unity:

    • Import the SDK package into your Unity project.
  3. Configure SDK Settings:

    • Follow setup instructions to configure Metaplay settings.


5. Developing with Unreal Engine SDK

Unreal Engine SDK

  1. Download Unreal Engine:

    • Install the Epic Games Launcher and then install Unreal Engine from it.
  2. Create a New Project:

    • Open Unreal Engine, choose a project template, and start your project.
  3. Install Necessary Plugins:

    • Enable required plugins from Edit > Plugins.


6. Setting Up PlayStation SDK for PS5 Development

PlayStation SDK

  1. Obtain Licensing:

    • Contact Sony Interactive Entertainment for a developer license.
  2. Download and Install SDK:

    • Download the SDK from the PlayStation Developer Portal.
  3. Set Up Development Environment:

    • Configure your development environment as per Sony’s guidelines.


7. Using MetaMask SDK

MetaMask SDK

  1. Install MetaMask SDK:

    • For JavaScript: yarn add @metamask/sdk or npm i @metamask/sdk.
    • For React: yarn add @metamask/sdk-react or npm i @metamask/sdk-react.
  2. Import and Initialize MetaMask SDK:

    • In JavaScript:
      import { MetaMaskSDK } from '@metamask/sdk';
      const sdk = new MetaMaskSDK();
    • In React:
      import { MetaMaskProvider } from '@metamask/sdk-react';
  3. Wrap Your Application:

    • Wrap your root component in a MetaMaskProvider:
          <App />
  4. Use MetaMask SDK in Unity:

    • Add MetaMaskUnity component to a game object.
    • Initialize and connect:


8. Using Circle USDC SDK


The Circle USDC SDK enables seamless integration of USDC payments into your application. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Install Circle SDK:

    • For Node.js: npm install @circle-fin/circle-sdk or yarn add @circle-fin/circle-sdk.
  2. Initialize Circle SDK:

    • Create an instance of the Circle SDK with your API key:
      const { Circle, CircleEnvironments } = require('@circle-fin/circle-sdk');
      const circle = new Circle('<your-api-key>', CircleEnvironments.sandbox);
  3. Create a Payment Intent:

    • Define a function to create a payment intent:
      async function createPayment(amount) {
          const reqBody = {
              amount: { amount: amount, currency: "USD" },
              settlementCurrency: "USD",
              paymentMethods: [{ type: "blockchain", chain: "ETH" }],
              idempotencyKey: require("uuid").v4()
          const resp = await circle.cryptoPaymentIntents.createPaymentIntent(reqBody);
          return resp.data;
  4. Handle Payments:

    • Implement logic to handle payment status and confirmation:
      async function getPaymentIntent(paymentIntentId) {
          const resp = await circle.cryptoPaymentIntents.getPaymentIntent(paymentIntentId);
          return resp.data;
      async function pollPaymentIntent(paymentIntentId) {
          const pollInterval = 500;
          let resp;
          while (true) {
              resp = await getPaymentIntent(paymentIntentId);
              if (resp.data?.paymentMethods[0].address) break;
              await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, pollInterval));
          return resp.data;

Benefits of Circle SDK for CryptoQuest:

  • Seamless Payments: Integrates USDC payments smoothly into the game, allowing for in-game purchases and transactions.
  • Stablecoin Transactions: Provides the stability of USDC, minimizing the volatility often associated with other cryptocurrencies.
  • Developer Friendly: Offers comprehensive documentation and examples to get started quickly【39†source】【40†source】【41†source】【42†source】【43†source】.


This comprehensive guide provides the steps necessary to set up and use various SDKs for the development of CryptoQuest: The Shards of Genesis. Each section includes links to official documentation for further details.

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