CQTSOG Unreal Engine 5 - CreoDAMO/CQTSOG-MMORPG GitHub Wiki

CryptoQuest: The Shards of Genesis can be created using Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). Unreal Engine 5 provides a comprehensive set of tools that can facilitate the development of an MMORPG like CryptoQuest with blockchain integration. Below is an overview of how you could approach this project using UE5, including key aspects such as blockchain integration, NFT management, and game mechanics development.

Project Setup

1. Setting Up Unreal Engine 5

  • Download and install Unreal Engine 5 from the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Create a new project using the "Third Person Template" for a quick start with basic character movement and camera setup.

Core Features Development

2. Blockchain Integration

To integrate blockchain functionalities such as NFT management and smart contract interactions, you'll need to utilize external libraries and Unreal Engine's plugin system.

Web3 Integration:

  • Use Unreal.js or other JavaScript integration plugins to interact with Ethereum and other blockchains.
  • Install Web3.js or Ethers.js for blockchain interactions.
// Sample Web3.js setup in Unreal.js
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('https://polygon-rpc.com/'); // Polygon Mainnet RPC

const contractABI = [ /* ABI array */ ];
const contractAddress = 'your_contract_address_here';

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);

3. NFT Management

To manage NFTs within the game, you can create a system that links blockchain data with in-game assets.

Blueprints for NFT Integration:

  • Use Blueprints to create classes for NFTs, linking them with blockchain metadata.
  • Create functions to fetch and update NFT data from the blockchain.
// Blueprint Function to fetch NFT data
Function FetchNFTData
  Input: TokenID
  Output: NFTData
  // Call Web3 function to get NFT metadata and populate NFTData structure

4. Decentralized Economy and Marketplace

Implementing a decentralized marketplace within the game can be achieved by integrating smart contracts for trading and using in-game UI to facilitate transactions.

Marketplace Blueprint:

  • Create a marketplace UI in UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) to list NFTs for sale.
  • Integrate smart contract calls to handle buying and selling of NFTs.
// Blueprint Function to list NFT for sale
Function ListNFTForSale
  Input: TokenID, Price
  // Call smart contract function to list NFT

5. Player Governance

Player governance can be implemented by creating systems for voting and decision-making within the game, using smart contracts to handle voting logic.

Governance System:

  • Create UI elements for proposals and voting.
  • Integrate smart contracts to tally votes and execute decisions.
// Blueprint Function to submit a proposal
Function SubmitProposal
  Input: ProposalText
  // Call smart contract function to submit proposal

Game Mechanics

6. Crafting & Enchanting

Create crafting and enchanting systems that interact with blockchain to ensure uniqueness.

Crafting Blueprint:

  • Use data tables to define recipes and materials.
  • Call smart contracts to mint unique crafted items.
// Blueprint Function to craft an item
Function CraftItem
  Input: RecipeID, Materials
  Output: NewItemID
  // Validate materials and call smart contract to mint item

7. Quests & Adventures

Implement a dynamic quest system where quests are generated based on smart contracts, ensuring rewards distribution.

Quest System Blueprint:

  • Create quest templates and dynamic quest generators.
  • Integrate smart contracts to manage quest rewards.
// Blueprint Function to complete a quest
Function CompleteQuest
  Input: QuestID
  // Validate quest completion and call smart contract to distribute rewards

Advanced Topics

8. Cross-Chain Interactions

For cross-chain asset transfers, use interoperability protocols like Polkadot or Cosmos.

Cross-Chain Blueprint:

  • Create functions to handle asset transfers between chains.
  • Use smart contracts or external APIs to facilitate cross-chain interactions.
// Blueprint Function for cross-chain transfer
Function CrossChainTransfer
  Input: TokenID, TargetChain
  // Call protocol-specific function to transfer asset

Final Steps

  1. Testing and Deployment

    • Thoroughly test all features, including blockchain interactions.
    • Deploy smart contracts to the mainnet and configure the game to use the live contracts.
  2. Performance Optimization

    • Optimize game performance, especially with blockchain calls that might add latency.
    • Use LOD (Level of Detail) techniques and efficient networking practices.
  3. Community Engagement

    • Engage with the community for feedback and governance participation.
    • Regularly update the game with new features and improvements based on player input.


Creating CryptoQuest: The Shards of Genesis in Unreal Engine 5 involves a combination of traditional game development practices and cutting-edge blockchain technology. By leveraging UE5's powerful graphics and gameplay capabilities alongside blockchain's decentralized ownership and economy, you can build a unique and engaging MMORPG experience.