Little Bag - CreativeMD/LittleTiles GitHub Wiki


This post is super WIP. Information is incomplete and images are still being edited.


The Little Bag, previously known as the Little Container, is used to store the excess tiles that accumulate when working with the mod. As you cut a block or structure with the Little Hammer or other means, the tiles will be put inside the bag to keep them out of the player's inventory. Full blocks can also be placed into the bag manually so the Little Chisel can use them as well.


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1. Bag Inventory - it has 24 slots, each can hold a maximum of 64;

2. Input Slot;

3. Color Amount (Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow);

How to use

Putting Materials

little container put material

Removing Materials

Materials Drainage

Color Calculations

Here are the amount of color that you get by putting each dye on the bag:

Dye Type Black Value Cyan Value Magenta Value Yellow Value
Ink Sac 7288 0 818 818
Rose Red 2440 0 5948 6178
Cactus Green 5588 2224 0 5562
Cocoa Beans 5588 0 3336 5562
Lapis Lazuli 3500 6114 5442 0
Purple Dye 2088 2888 6164 0
Cyan Dye 3340 6020 1790 0
Light Gray Dye 2968 0 0 0
Gray Dye 6038 0 0 0
Pink Dye 1252 0 3298 2426
Lime Dye 1606 5594 0 6114
Dandelion Yellow 1060 0 552 6642
Light Blue Dye 1412 4230 2872 0
Magenta Dye 1606 398 4834 0
Orange Dye 642 0 3450 5820
Bone Meal 480 0 0 0