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As I have told in the ReadMe in this Repository the Project was to code Apps who will play with the Idea of Intervals in Music. In Music the Intervals are the basic connection from Notes to other Notes. Yes Harmony and Counterpoint are fundamented on the Concept of such Intervals. But I think here a little bit further. I will translate this Ideas of Intervals to the Graphics. So you will not only SuperCollider and OpenMusic Patches. You can find here Processing Scripts who translate this Ideas to Graphics.

Interval Cycler This will be the first essay Script for a SuperCollider Synth System. It plays simple a Melody in which the Pitch Changes in different Layers which belongs to different Classes of Pitches. All known harmonic Intervals are here played.

Tritone Organ The central Aspect of this Organ was the reduction to one Interval the Tritone. This Interval is of a special kind. He is known as the devil in Music. My first Experiments go back to a time in my childhood who I was miss interpreting the System of Intervals.

Song Grapher The Central Idea of this Processing Script was to transfer the Idea of a Song to a Graphical Expression. This little Script generates a Song out of different Melodies. Which are build up from Events which are realized as Colored Rectangles in a horizontal Structure. The different Layers of Song Melodies and Events are in a relation of Color Intervals.

Song Grapher HSB This is a little Edit and further Development of the Song Grapher Program. In this Version of the Script I have over think the basically Color Model and I have them Changed from RGB to HSB. The new Model is more suitable for Artists. Even the calculation of the Delta Values for the Color Transformations have been changed. And at last I have choose a new Method to Mixing the Colors.

Frequency Acompainer This is a little and essay Script for SuperCollider. It's only a very essay Pitch-shifter made with a Copy Paste from the SuperCollider Documentation. The Idea behind this Script was to make a Sound a little bit wider. In the Past I have done this by a Vibrato. In this Version the Vibrato, which is more dynamical, gets here frozen to a stable Second Voice.

The Third Runner In Music the Interval of the Third are very important. The Consonance of Intervals can been divided in two Categories. The one Category are the Fifth and Fourth Intervals. This Class of Intervals are used for the arranging of Motives and Figures. The other Class of Consonant Intervals are the Thirds ( minor and major ) This Intervals are mostly used in Motives and Figures. This Synth will generate practically a endless Motive.

Fifth Runner This is a little Synth System which plays a Melody of Fifths. Fifths not usual used to build Melodies. Rather Thirds are used to build them. But Fifths are often used to build Songs from Motives and Figures. So in this special Situation we would build them with Fifths. The Script for this Synth was nearly a Copy Paste from the Third Runner.

Siamese Fifth Runner This little SuperCollider Synth System Script plays a little Melody made up from Siamese Fifths. This Fifths are a little bit special because they have not the exact Pitch Interval of 700 Cents. With 685.7 Cents they are a little bit miss tuning. But different Cultures have there own Systems of Pitch Intervals. And the aspect of Consonance in hearing are more a concept of training and habituation.

4:5 and 6:7 Runner This little Script plays a little Melody made up from 4:5 and 6:7 Intervals. This Script is important for the Study of Intervals Systems and the construction of Melodies.The Interval of 4:5 can been interpreted as the Fourth Interval, and the 6:7 Interval can been interpreted as a minor Third. So we will get a mixture of Melodic and Song Elements.

19 Division Runner This little Script will play a Melody of random chosen Keys from a Scale with 19 Divisions of the Octave. The first Idea of this Synth System was to choose a microtonal Scale with 19 equal Divisions of the Octave. The Second Idea behind this Synth System was to allow all Keys of this Scale to bee played in all Situations. Normally Such a playing is used of pentatonic Scales. But in this play I tried here with a 19 Division Scale so I get much of Dissonances.

7th on 19 Division Runner This is a little Script for a SuperCollider Synth System which will play a little Music consistent of a 7th Interval from a normal Chromatic Scale aplayed on a 19 Steps per Octave Scale. This little Script brings us to a microtonal or alternative Scale, which is here the 19 Steps pro Octave equal sized Scale. And to a dissonant Interval. Te 7th is the mirroring of a normal Second.

Dual Diatonic Scale Runner This little Script is for a SuperCollider Synth System who plays two Melodies in parallel. Each Melody is constructed from a pure random Choice of Keys from two Diatonic Scales. This will get us very complex and irregular harmonics, The two Scales - each for a Melody - have a offset between them of 2 Semitones. So the harmonics gets even more complex. The Idea for this Synth can also been realized with a VCV Rack.

The First Pentatonic Runner In the Past I have explained that the Pentatonic Scale are very useful in the construction of Harmonies. From a pentatonic Scale we can choose a random Key and builds with such Keys a very nice harmonic Melody. For this Pentatonic Runner we use a Interval from the Series 8:9:10:11:12. This Scale is chosen from the Over-Tone Series. But because of the high Numbers in this Series. We get a little Dissonant Melody.

13 th Runner In little Steps I explore here the possibilities of Scales and Interval. The most of the intervals are derivative from the Overtone Spectrum. So we know that lower Interval Ratios are Consonant and that complexes Ratios leads us to Dissonance. But the Question is where are the Boundaries of Dissonance what is to Dissonant for being Music. In the Contemporary Music Dissonance gets emancipated. So here I will try a Exploring of a Dissonance with the 13th Overtone Interval.

Serialism Runner The endpoint of this study will be a Serialism SupperCollider Synth Script. Serialism was a corner Stone of the evolution of contemporary classical Music. The Idea behind Serialism is that we builds connections between the Parameters of Sound. So we work with a Master Scale who has at its Steps a Combination of Values for each such Parameter.

Cadence Runner This is a little SuperCollider Synth Script who plays a little Cadence Melody. A Cadence Melody is build up from Functions, which are Dominants and Subdominant. This Functions are then often introduce to the Melody with Parallel and Counters of this Functions. This Cadences then are played in Bars of Similar inner Duration's and are Rhythmical changes in his total Duration. Each Bar has also a Master Pitch as Offset for his Functions which changes in Quints.

Twelve Tone Runner This will be a 12 Tone Row player. It is a Synth System Script for SupperCollider. The Idea and Method was a mile Stone in the evolution of the modern Classic Music. The Idea goes back to Arnorld Schönberg. 12 Tone Music destroys the usual Concepts of Harmonic. With the Idea of the twelve Tone Method each possible combinations of Notes can been played. The new System makes his own Rules.

First Serialism 12 Tone Runner This will be a little SuperCollier Script which plays a little Serialism Melody in a 12 Tone Fashion. This means that all Sound Parameters are controlled by a connected System of Scales Which are applayed by a Master Scale which will be used in a 12 Tone Music Parameter style. The Ideas of Serialism and 12 Tone Music was important to the evolution of modern Classic Music.

Second Serialism 12 Tone Runner This was a Future development of the First Serialism 12 Tone Runner. The great change was that now by a Transformation of the 12 Tone Scale every one Parameter Scale is Permuted. The Idea for this Synth comes from the invention of the Serialism Music. A Composition Paradigm which was a mile Stone in the Evolution of modern Classic Music. It was as first invited as 12 Tone Music by Arnorld Schoenberg and latter evolved to Serialism by Karlheinz Stockhausen

19 Scale Fifth Player This is a first Experiment with a 19 Step equal Division Octave Scale. This little SupperCollider Synth Script plays a 5th from a traditional Scale transformed to the 19 Step equal Division microtonality Scale. microtonality was even a third mile stone to the evolution of modern classic Music. The Invention of Microtonality was driven from the Problem of Tuning in the traditional Scales.

19 Scale Composer This little Script is for a SupperCollider Synth System which plays a little Melody on the 19 Step equal Division Scale. This Script should show in which way a Music is played about such a Scale. The Melody at self is created from Fifths Fourths and Thirds from Traditional Scales transformed to the 19 Step equal Divided Octave Scale. Such a Scale leads us to Micrtonalism. Which was a big milestone in the development of modern classic Music.