Patterns - Craluminum-Mods/Banners GitHub Wiki

MC patterns:

  1. Base
  2. Bottom Stripe
  3. Top Stripe
  4. Left Stripe
  5. Right Stripe
  6. Center Stripe (Vertical)
  7. Middle Stripe (Horizontal)
  8. Down Right Stripe
  9. Down Left Stripe
  10. Small (Vertical) Stripes
  11. Diagonal Cross
  12. Square Cross
  13. Left of Diagonal
  14. Right of upside-down Diagonal
  15. Left of upside-down Diagonal
  16. Right of Diagonal
  17. Vertical Half (left)
  18. Vertical Half (right)
  19. Horizontal Half (top)
  20. Horizontal Half (bottom)
  21. Bottom Left Corner
  22. Bottom Right Corner
  23. Top Left Corner
  24. Top Right Corner
  25. Bottom Triangle
  26. Top Triangle
  27. Bottom Triangle Sawtooth
  28. Top Triangle Sawtooth
  29. Middle Circle
  30. Middle Rhombus
  31. Border
  32. Curly Border
  33. Brick
  34. Gradient (including inverted version)

VS patterns:

  1. Hansa (Fish)
  2. Hansa (Keys)
  3. Hansa (Large fish)
  4. Hansa (Ship)
  5. Hansa (Town)
  6. The Cookie
  7. Drifter
  8. Eidolon
  9. Elk
  10. Falx (left and right)
  11. Vintage Story logo

Other patterns:

  1. Checkered 2x4 (including inverted version)
  2. Checkered 4x8 (including inverted version)
  3. Checkered 5x10 (including inverted version)
  4. Checkered 8x16 (including inverted version)
  5. Small stripes (horizontal)
  6. Regular triangle (center top and center bottom). Two of them make "star of David"
  7. Circle large
  8. Crescent (right and left)
  9. Yin
  10. Yang
  11. Globe
  12. Fleur-de-lis
  13. Flower
  14. Moby Dick (The Whale)
  15. Sad catfish
  16. Skull
  17. Clubs
  18. Hearts
  19. Spades
  20. Lion (left and right)