upgrading - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

The following guide will help you upgrade from your existing projects from version to version.

From 1.0 to 2.0

Before EventHandler->getMeta() returned true|false. This has been changed to meta will now return either of the following:

  • 200 - Means all events were triggered
  • 308 - Means one event returned false thus making this incomplete
  • 404 - Means no events were triggered

All references of ->triggerRoute(...) have changed to ->routeTo(...)

All references of cradle() in routes and events have changed to $this

  • For example: Instead of cradle()->trigger(...), use $this->trigger(...)
  • You should still use cradle() inside of class methods

All references of $cradle in packages have changed to $this

  • For example: Instead of $cradle->preprocess(...), use $this->preprocess(...)

Moved from Bower to Yarn

  • Instead of using bower install, use yarn build

Moved from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4

Moved from FontAwesome 3 to FontAwesome 5

Module\Profile has moved to cradlephp/cradle-profile

  • If you made changes to Module\Profile do not use cradlephp/cradle-profile
  • Integration Steps:
    1. Copy the /package/ folder from cradlephp/cradle-profile to Module/Profile
    2. Update package/schema/profile.php
    3. Copy your new package/schema/profile.php to /config/schema/profile.php

Module\Auth has moved to cradlephp/cradle-auth

  • If you made changes to Module\Auth do not use cradlephp/cradle-auth
  • Integration Steps:
    1. Copy the /package/ folder from cradlephp/cradle-auth to Module/Auth
    2. Update package/schema/auth.php
    3. Copy your new package/schema/auth.php to /config/schema/auth.php