contributing - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

Thank you for considering to contribute to Cradle. There are a few repositories we work with.

  • cradlephp/components - Core objects and traits
  • cradlephp/framework - Framework specific interfaces
  • cradlephp/cradle-developer - Command line tools
  • cradlephp/cradle-system - Schemas, relations and models
  • cradlephp/cradle-profile - The profile package
  • cradlephp/cradle-auth - The authentication package
  • cradlephp/cradle-role - The roles and permissions package
  • cradlephp/cradle-history - The history log package
  • cradlephp/cradle-csrf - The CSRF package
  • cradlephp/cradle-captcha - The Google captcha package
  • cradlephp/cradle-queue - The AMQP queue package
  • cradlephp/handlebars - Our version of Handlebars, the templating engine
  • cradlephp/storm - SQL object relation map library


If you have issues with Handlebars exclusively please report it in cradlephp/Handlebars.

If you have issues with Storm exclusively please report it in cradlephp/Storm.

All other framework issues can be reported in cradlephp/Cradle

If you report an issue in any other repository other than the above
recommendations, we may not notice it so sorry in advance.


Bug fixes will be reviewed as soon as possible. Minor features will also be considered, but give us time to review it and get back to you.

Major features will only be considered on the `master` branch.
  1. Fork the Repository.
  2. Fire up your local terminal and switch to the version you would like to contribute to.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Always make sure to sign-off (-s) on all commits made git commit -s -m "Commit message"
Please be sure you are in the correct branch you are intending to contribute to

Making pull requests

  1. Please ensure to run phpunit and phpcs before making a pull request.
  2. Push your code to your remote forked version.
  3. Go back to your forked version on GitHub and submit a pull request. Please be sure you make a PR on the intended branch version.
  4. All pull requests will be passed to Travis CI to be tested. Also note that Coveralls is also used to analyze the coverage of your contribution.

Branches and Versions

The master branch is where all the edge releases go. The master branch will always be synced with the latest version branch in their respective repositories.

Some repositories only have a master branch because the repository has not reached to a 2.0 version and since the master branch is a mirror of the latest version branch it would just be the same thing.

Versions will have 3 numbers separated by dots. The first number (to the far right) will represent an alpha release. Alpha releases are not stable versions and at times will break.

The second number (the middle one) represents a beta release. A beta release is somewhat stable and usually has a test suite attached to it.

The last number (to the far left) represents a production release. This happens when we decide to make enough breaking changes to justify an entire new version.