6.1. Data Traits - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

This section is all about data management, all of which perform tasks on a singular protected property called $data.

6.1.1. ArrayAccess Trait

The ArrayAccess trait wraps the ArrayAccess interface of PHP and when mounted will allow your class to be accessed like an array. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\ArrayAccessTrait

class MyClass
    use ArrayAccessTrait;

    protected $data = array();

The ArrayAccess trait implements the ArrayAccess interface exactly adding offsetSet, offsetGet, offsetExists, offsetUnset methods to your class which makes the following now possible.

$myClass = new MyClass;

if(!isset($myClass['foo'])) {
    $myClass['foo'] = 'bar';

echo $myClass['foo']; //--> 'bar'


6.1.2. Countable Trait

The Countable trait wraps the Countable interface of PHP and when mounted will allow your class to be counted like an array. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\CountableTrait

class MyClass
    use CountableTrait;
    protected $data = array();

The Countable trait implements the Countable interface exactly adding the count method to your class which makes the following now possible.

$myClass = new MyClass;
echo count($myClass); //--> 0

6.1.3. Iterator Trait

The Iterator trait wraps the Iterator interface of PHP and when mounted will allow your class to be iterated like an array. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\IteratorTrait

class MyClass
    use IteratorTrait;

    protected $data = array();

The Iterator trait implements the Iterator interface exactly adding rewind, current, next, key, valid methods to your class which makes the following now possible.

$myClass = new MyClass;

foreach($myClass as $key => $value) {
    //Do something

6.1.4. Magic Trait

The Magic trait adds extra accessors for the data array. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\MagicTrait;

class MyClass
    use MagicTrait {
        MagicTrait::__getData as __get;
        MagicTrait::__setData as __set;
        MagicTrait::__callData as __call;
        MagicTrait::__toStringData as __toString;

    protected $data = array();

The Magic trait implements three magic methods adding __call, __get, __set methods to your class which makes the following now possible.

We suffixed the magic methods with `'Data'` as in `__getData` to keep the
methods free for you to define as you can always alias them.
$myClass = new MyClass;

$myClass->setFooBar('zoo'); // $data['foo_bar']
echo $myClass->getFooBar(); //--> 'zoo'

$myClass->foo_bar = 'zoo'; // $data['foo_bar']
echo $myClass->foo_bar; //--> 'zoo'

echo $myClass; //--> <JSON string>

6.1.5. Dot Trait

The Dot trait adds accessors to help manage three or more dimensional arrays. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\DotTrait;

class MyClass
    use DotTrait;

    protected $data = array();

The Dot trait implements a four methods called getDot, setDot, isDot, removeDot which can be used like the following

$myClass = new MyClass;

$myClass->setDot('some.path.to.value', 'foobar'); // $data['some']['path']['to']['value'] = 'foobar'

$myClass->getDot('some.path.to.value'); //--> 'foobar'
$myClass->getDot('some.path.to'); //--> ['value' => 'foobar']

$myClass->isDot('some.path'); //--> false
All dot methods have an extra parameter where you can specify the delimeter.
$myClass->getDot('some-path-to-value', '-');

6.1.6. Generator Trait

The Generator trait takes advantage of PHP generators. Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\GeneratorTrait;

class MyClass
    use GeneratorTrait;

    protected $data = array();

The Generator trait implements a single method called generator which can be used like the following.

$myClass = new MyClass;

foreach($myClass->generator() as $key => $value) {
    //Do something

6.1.7. Data Trait

The data trait combines all the aforementioned traits so you wouldn't have to declare them one by one (on the off chance you would want to use all of them). Mounting this trait can be done with the following example.

use Cradle\Data\DataTrait;

class MyClass
    use DataTrait;