4.D. Reference Global Package Methods - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

Global Package Methods are virtual methods accessible using cradle('global'), cradle()->package('global') or $this->package('global') depending on which scope you are in. The majority of the Global Package Methods are defined in the /bootstrap folder to allow you to manipulate it on your custom projects.

4.D.1. path()

Given a key, returns the absolute path relative to your project. The possible keys are as follows.

  • root - [root path]
  • app - [root path]/app
  • bootstrap - [root path]/bootstrap
  • config - [root path]/config
  • module - [root path]/module
  • compiled - [root path]/compiled
  • public - [root path]/public
  • upload - [root path]/upload
  • template - [root path]/template
  • vendor - [root path]/vendor
Usage 1

You can also set more paths like the following example.

Usage 2
cradle('global')->path('foo', __DIR__ . '/bar');

4.D.2. config()

Retrieves a configuration from your /config/ folder.

Usage 1
//returns the array found in config/settings.php

//returns the value of environment found in config/settings.php which is 'dev'
cradle('global')->config('settings', 'environment');

You can also write to a configuration file like the following example.

Usage 2
//sets foo to bar in config/settings.php
cradle('global')->config('settings', 'foo', 'bar');

//creates a file config/foobar.php and sets foo to bar
cradle('global')->config('settings', 'foobar', [
    'foo' => 'bar'
Make sure you chmod 777 your config folder

4.D.3. service()

Returns a service object.

Usage 1
cradle('global')->service('sql-main'); //--> PDO

cradle('global')->service('elastic-main'); //--> Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder

cradle('global')->service('redis-main'); //--> Predis\Client

cradle('global')->service('rabbitmq-main'); //--> PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPLazyConnection
If the key you provide is not a supported service, the array configuration will

4.D.4. redirect()

A wrapper to redirect to another URL


4.D.5. requireLogin()

Checks to see if the user is logged in and redirects to the login page if not.


4.D.6. flash()

Sets a flash message that will be consumed on the next URL request.

cradle('global')->flash('Something good happened', 'success');

cradle('global')->flash('Something happened', 'warning');

cradle('global')->flash('Something bad happened', 'error');

cradle('global')->flash('Something', 'info');

4.D.7. translate()

Translate the given string based on the current language

$name = cradle('global')->translate('Name'); //--> nom

4.D.8. template()

Renders a template using Handlebars.

$handlebars = cradle('global')->template('/path/to/template', [
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'zoo' => 'Went to the zoo.'

4.D.9. handlebars()

Returns the global Handlebars instance

$handlebars = cradle('global')->handlebars();