3.A. Reference Cradle on Shared Hosts - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

While most shared hosts are using the updated PHP7, most do not have MySQL 5.7 or greater installed. MySQL 5.7 is used in Cradle mostly for its JSON types capabilities with matching fields that case for it. However, technically these fields can still work without the JSON type defined.

It's recommended to use Docker for server compatibility issues.

The following instructions can be used to make Cradle work in either shared hosting or where you cannot upgrade to MySQL 5.7.

  1. In the /module create a folder called system
  2. In the /module/system folder create another folder called src
  3. In the /module/system/src folder create a file called Schema.php and copy the contents of the Schema.php file in cradle-system to this file.
  4. Inside of /modules/system/src/Schema.php find all 'type' => 'JSON' and replace with 'type' => 'TEXT'.
  5. In /composer.json file add the system to the autoload settings like the example below.
3.A.A. composer.json
"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Cradle\\Module\\Utility\\": "module/utility/src/",
        "Cradle\\Package\\System\\": "module/system/src/"
  1. Lastly run $ composer dump-autoload

What this tells composer to do is prefer to get the Cradle\Package\System namespace from your modules folder first and if it still can't find the class it needs, go to the original location for that name space. So effective we override that class. Schema.php is the only file that references JSON types (specifically here).