2.B. Reference Validation Types - CradlePHP/Cradle GitHub Wiki

Validation occurs when a user submits a form generated by a schema.

Form Submission Error

Cradle provides the all kinds of of validation methods. If you can't find the validation you need, you can create custom validations with a Validation Expression.

2.B.1. Required

Requires the field to have a value.


2.B.2. Not Empty

If there is a value set, it cannot be empty.

Not Empty

2.B.3. Not Equal

Explicitly the field should not equal to the given value.

Not Equal

2.B.4. Valid Option

The field value should be one of these options. Works great with the select field

Valid Option

2.B.5. Characters Less Than

The number of characters in the field should be less than the given number.

Characters Less Than

2.B.6. Characters Less Than Equals

The number of characters in the field should be less than or equal to the given number.

Characters Less Than Equals

2.B.7. Characters Greater Than

The number of characters in the field should be greater than the given number.

Characters Greater Than

2.B.8. Characters Greater Than Equals

The number of characters in the field should be greater than or equal to the given number.

Characters Greater Than Equals

2.B.9. Words Less Than

The number of words in the field should be less than the given number.

Words Less Than

2.B.10. Words Less Than Equals

The number of words in the field should be less than or equal to the given number.

Words Less Than Equals

2.B.11. Words Greater Than

The number of words in the field should be greater than the given number.

Words Greater Than

2.B.12. Words Greater Than Equals

The number of words in the field should be greater than or equal to the given number.

Words Greater Than Equals

2.B.13. Valid Number

The field should contain a valid number (integer or float).

Valid Number

2.B.14. Valid Float

The field should be a valid float (or decimal ie. 0.224).

Valid Float

2.B.15. Valid Price

The field should have a valid price format (integer with 2 decimal places. ie. 456.12).

Valid Price

2.B.16. Less Than

Field should be less than the given number.

Less Than

2.B.17. Less Than Equals

Field should be less than or equal to the given number.

Less Than Equals

2.B.18. Greater Than

Field should be greater than the given number.

Greater Than

2.B.19. Greater Than Equals

Field should be greater than or equal to the given number.

Greater Than Equals

2.B.20. Valid Date

Field should have a valid SQL date format (YYYY-MM-DD).

Valid Date

2.B.21. Valid Time

Field should have a valid SQL time format (HH:mm:ss).

Valid Time

2.B.22. Valid Date Time

Field should have a valid SQL date/time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss).

Valid Date Time

2.B.23. Valid Email

Field should have a valid email address format.

Valid Email

2.B.24. Valid Credit Card

Field should have a valid credit card format.

Valid Credit Card

2.B.25. Valid Expression

Valid Expression