Creating a Model (Cubik) - CoryBorek/mcparkspack-documentation GitHub Wiki

What will I need

For This tutorial, you will need:

  • Cubik Studio

Where do I start?

To Create a model in Cubik Studio, Select File, and New File


I typically like to start making my model out of Primitive Meshes. Select Meshes, and click the primitive mesh you want to create. Shape multiple together to create a shape. Once I get a decent outline or shape, I can convert to Voxels by selecting the Three Bars, and Convert to Voxels. Please Note: Voxel Sizes over 32x can start to cause lag to the minecraft client.


After you have converted to Voxels, you can start adding detail to your model. You may also at this point add some temporary colors. Be aware, that you may replace this with default minecraft textures later.


After you have created your model in voxel form, you may convert it to Elements! Select the Three bars under Voxels, and highlight Convert to Elements! From here, you can click 1+ Elements per color (Palette) From here, you can make some minor adjustments if necessary.


Once your model is in elements, and any final tweaks that you needed to make are done, you should select Preview. Now you can see how your model will look when it will be finished! Select one of your many tabs and set up it's view. Just Make Sure to click Export Settings!


Now you have created a Model! The only thing that's left is to export it! Select File and Click Export, and select JSON. From here, you can save it to a working directory.