Converting JSON Model to use Minecraft Textures (Cubik) - CoryBorek/mcparkspack-documentation GitHub Wiki

What will I need

For This tutorial, you will need:

  • Cubik Studio
  • Notepad++

How do Convert an Exported Minecraft JSON Model's textures to Default Minecraft Textures

After Exporting a JSON File to a working directory, it is good for filespace if you use minecraft textures.

Open File

Go into your File Explorer (or Finder on MAC), and right click your exported JSON Model and select Edit with Notepad++

The next few steps, you will repeat for every color.

Search Feature

To Search for a model, press CTRL+F and search for voxels_palette The first available one under elements should show up.

Grab Color

Above the texture voxels_palette, you should find a title of the element that says something like Voxels-FFE3DA After Voxels- is a Hex code for a color. You can get a better view of that color by visiting a website like and inputting your hex code

Finding the right image

After you got a look at the color of that specific element, you can go into notepad++ and get to the Replace tab under Find. You can copy the text after "uv": to the end of the line. After you copy it, paste it into both the Find What and Replace with boxes. Just Change the replace with to the name of a texture that you are setting. Note down this name. Now Click Replace All

Go to the top of the JSON file and add underneath the bottom member of the array and add a comma to the last element and add this information: "(name of texture you noted down)": "blocks/(path/to/texture.png)"

Final Steps

Once you no longer have any voxels_palettes left under elements, you may remove the pregenerated textures by Cubik.

Just Save your document, and upload it to the Resource Pack!