Data Standards Body Miro Public Pages - ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards GitHub Wiki


This page captures and lists public Miro boards available from various consultations including:

Note: Miro boards are listed in descending order by date. You may need to zoom out to view the content.

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Miro is a free whiteboarding tool built for online collaboration.
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Decision Proposals

Decision Proposal 267 - CX Standards | Telco Data Language

Date: 11/11/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Mapped tables and visual implementation examples for the proposed CX Standards on Telco Data Language Description: Frames including: (1) Proposed language mapped to proposed Technical Standards; and (2) Implementation examples with additional description language
Miro link: PDF links:

Decision Proposal 162 - CX Standards | Joint accounts

Date: 11/11/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Visual examples for the proposed CX Standards on joint accounts Description: Frames covering: (1) Joint account notification settings; (2) Authorisation flow with joint accounts; and (3) Ceasing joint account data sharing
Miro link: PDF links:

Decision Proposal 213 - CX Standards | Energy Data Language

Date: 24/09/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Mapped tables and visual implementation examples for the proposed CX Standards on Energy Data Language Description: Frames including: (1) Proposed language mapped to Technical Standards; and (2) Implementation examples with additional description language
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Decision Proposal 187 - CX Standards | Disclosure Consents

Date: 11/05/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Visual examples for the proposed CX Standards on disclosure consent Description: Frames covering: (1) Descriptions of data to be disclosed from an ADR; (2) Descriptions of data to be collected and disclosed; and (3) Withdrawal standards for disclosure consents
Miro link: PDF links:

Decision Proposal 160 - CX Standards | Non-individuals, Partnerships, Secondary Users

Date: 21/05/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Visual examples for the proposed CX Standards on non-individuals, partnerships, and secondary users Description: Frames covering: (1) Appropriate options to inform and facilitate sharing for non-individuals, partnerships, and secondary users; and (2) Appropriate messaging to display to account holders withdrawing secondary user instructions
Miro link: PDF links:

Design Papers

Consumer Data Right Rules and Standards for the Telecommunications Sector #235

Date: 27/01/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Supporting documentation of Design Paper #235 on CDR Rules and Standards for the Telecommunications Sector Description: Frames covering: preliminary telco data language and telco consent flow example
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

V3 Rules - Relevant artefacts

Date: 30/04/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Supporting documentation of Design Papers for April-May Consultation period in 2021 Description: Frames covering: (1) Joint Accounts; and (2) Energy P2P Consumer Accounts
Miro link: PDF links: View list of PDFs on CDS website


Energy Sector: Historical Data Sharing

Date: 22/02/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Background & Objectives; (2) Agenda; (3) Parking lot; (4) Context setting; and (5) Activity boards for groups 1-5
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

CDR Introduction for Telecommunications Sector

Date: 22/02/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Overview; (2) Agenda; and (3) Activity boards for groups 1-4
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Action Initiation

Date: 27/07/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Overview & scope; (2) Agenda; (3) Objectives & principles; (4) Glossary; (5) Q&A and parking lot; and (6) Activity boards for groups 1-10
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Joint Accounts

Date: 16/02/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Background and objectives; (2) Agenda; (3) Queries raised; and (4) Activity boards for groups 1-8
Miro link: PDF links: PDFs only show workshop template

Data Conventions: Workshop 03

Date: 08/12/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Workshop pre-reading, including overview of the conventions process and personas; (2) Agenda and activities; and (3) Activity boards for groups 1-3
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Authentication and Authorisation

Date: 24/11/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Background and objectives; (2) Agenda and activities; and (3) Completed activity board
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

New ADR Fields for Consent Management

Date: 07/10/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Overview; (2) Proposal scenario; (3) Accompanying consent flows; and (3) DH dashboard variations
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Amending consent

Date: 08/09/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Background and objectives; (2) Agenda and activities; (3) Amending consent proposals; and (4) Activity boards for groups 1-4
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Enhanced Error Handling: Workshop 03- CX

Date: 21/07/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Workshop background and agenda; (2) Resources; (3) Pre-reading journey; and (4) Activity boards for groups 1-6
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Enhanced Error Handling: Workshop 02

Date: 16/06/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Workshop background and agenda; (2) Overview and presentation on error handling; and (3) Proposals
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Enhanced Error Handling: Workshop 01

Date: 09/06/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of workshop Description: Frames covering: (1) Workshop background and agenda; (2) Overview and presentation on error handling; and (3) Proposals
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

CDR Implementation Calls

Joint Account Guidance

Date: 02/03/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Supporting documentation for joint account guidance Description: Frames covering: (1) In-flow election; (2) Removing an approval; and (3) Removing a disclosure option;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Wireframes for V2 rules consultation

Date: 09/10/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Supporting documentation of V2 rules consultation Description: Frames covering: (1) Overview; (2) Proposal scenario; (3) Accompanying consent flows; and (4) DH dashboard variations
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

Maintenance Iterations

11th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 20/07/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 11 Description: Frames covering: Retrospective outlining what start, stop and continue;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

10th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 27/04/2022 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 10 Description: Frames covering: Retrospective outlining what start, stop and continue;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

8th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 08/09/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 8 Description: Frames covering: Retrospective outlining what start, stop and continue;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

7th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 14/07/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 7 Description: Frames covering: (1) Actions from the 6th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective; and (2) Retrospective outlining what start, stop and continue;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

6th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 29/04/2021 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 6 Description: Frames covering: (1) Actions from the 5th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective; and (2) Retrospective outlining what start, stop and continue;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A

5th Maintenance Iteration Retrospective

Date: 05/12/2020 Access: Read-Only
Purpose: Documentation of retrospective for MI 5 Description: Frames covering: (1) General information; and (2) Retrospective outlining what went well, what needs improvement and next steps;
Miro link: PDF links: N/A
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