DSB Maintenance Iteration 9: Agenda & Meeting Notes (20 October 2021) - ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards GitHub Wiki

DSB Maintenance Iteration 9 - Agenda & Meeting Notes (2021-10-20)

Date and time: 20/10/2021, 2pm - 3.30pm AEDT (1pm - 2.30pm AEST)
Location: WebEx
Dial-in details:

Chair: Mark Verstege, DSB; Ivan Hosgood ACCC
Maintenance overview: Further information
Maintenance project board: See here
Decision Proposal: This maintenance iteration is being consulted on under Decision Proposal 212


  • Wait 5 minutes for all participants to join. Kickoff at 2:05pm (AEDT)
  • Outstanding Actions
  • Release plan: schedule of forwards looking standards releases
  • Open Decision Proposals: key consultation dates
  • Iteration 9 change request candidates
  • Any other business

Meeting notes


This week is the fourth call of the 9th maintenance iteration. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss options for iteration candidates adopted in the 9th maintenance iteration. Please note: This maintenance iteration has been extended by 4 weeks and will conclude 1st December 2021. This is to incorporate energy change requests and align to end of year shutdown.

  • Allow 5 min for participants to join
  • Housekeeping
  • Overview, purpose and intended outcomes of the meeting


  • WBC to create proposed featureType descriptions for each enumerated featureType proposed in issue 401
  • ANZ to create a change request to better support cursors for returning large result sets.

Release plan

  • v1.12.0 was published on October 14th 2021. This release contains binding non-functional requirements for banking and energy
  • v1.13.0: Porting of Register standards from ACCC
  • v1.14.0: Energy API standards

Open / Active Decision Proposals

The following decision proposals are open for community feedback

DP # Closing date DP
216 Pending Decision Proposal 216 - Profile Scope Support
211 Pending Decision Proposal 211 - Scope of Risk-based Authentication and Identity Proofing Framework, Threat and Attack Model
210 Pending Decision Proposal 210 - Transition to FAPI 2.0 Profile
209 16/11/2021 Decision Proposal 209 - Transition to FAPI 1.0 Advanced Profile
206 Closed Decision Proposal 206 - Register Standards
203 No closing date Normative Standards Review (2021)
158 Closed Decision Proposal 158 - Participant capability discovery

Future Plan

Review of Q4 and new changes: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/future-plan/projects/1

Iteration 9 Change Requests

All open change requests can be found here:

Data Standards CRs:

Maintenance Iteration Schedule

  • Maintenance Iteration 9 extended until 1st December 2021
  • Proposed that Maintenance Iteration commence 16th Feb 2022

Issues Consulted

The following issues have been consulted on during this iteration. The current status is summarised.

Source # Change Request Status Recommendation
Standards Maintenance Issue 404 Profile scope not aligned with CX standards Pending DP This issue will be consulted on in Decision Proposal 216 - Profile Scope Support given the breadth of the standards changes
Standards Maintenance Issue 395 Does DHs' PAR endpoint require enabling private key jwt client authentication in addition to request object validation? No change No change
Standards Maintenance Issue 397 Transaction Security Ciphers Alternative supported Defer to FAPI 1.0. The change proposed by the DSB to defer to FAPI standards will be included in the DP 209 consultation. Standards will be changed in accordance to the schedule for FAPI 1.0 adoption
Standards Maintenance Issue 406 Change Request to make 'scope' optional in the token end-point response in FAPI Not supported Retain current requirement for scope support. Alignment to FAPI 1.0 (Final) requirements for the scope value will be included in the DP 209 consultation. Standards will be changed in accordance to the schedule for FAPI 1.0 adoption
Standards Maintenance Issue 150 A loan may have no end date but loanEndDate is mandatory Supported - Breaking Change Change repaymentFrequency, loanEndDate and nextInstallmentDate fields to be optional.
Standards Maintenance Issue 396 Define new Digital Wallet Payee Type to relevant schemas Supported - Breaking Change Extend payee support for provider-agnostic digital wallets. Get Payees v2 and Get Payee Detail v2 future-dated obligation of 31st of March 2022. Data Holders can support v2 as early as is practical but no later than 31st of March 2022. Retirement of v1 APIs 1 month after v2 FDO (i.e., any time after 31st April 2022).
Standards Maintenance Issue 405 Alternative mechanisms for OTP Under consultation No recommendation yet made
CDR Register Issue 174 Update Register APIs to search for and differentiate between archived entities Delayed Carried over to next iteration
CDR Register Issue 126 Consider changing statement in Certificate Management about the use of ACCC CA issued certificates for ADR end points Delayed To be consulted on under DP 211 threat modelling
CDR Register Issue 123 Consider identicons to allow DHs to provide multiple attributes to map to individual accreditations Under consultation Requesting feedback. No recommendation has been made.
CDR Register Issue 175 Publish an endpoint version schedule to document the introduction and deprecation of Register and DCR endpoints Documentation enhancement This will be covered with the merging of the CDR Register standards into the Consumer Data Standards. Deprecation schedules for various endpoint versions can then be discussed in future maintenance iterations
Standards Maintenance Issue 407 Align data quality NFR with Privacy Safeguard 11 Change supported Changes to Data Quality NFRs working in line with OAIC feedback regarding data quality requirements in relation to Privacy Safeguard 11
Standards Maintenance Issue 402 Support for multiple additional information documents Change proposed; Under consultation Proposes changes to supported multiple additional product documents
Standards Maintenance Issue 401 Extending the list of supported feature types Under consultation Proposes changes to supported feature types
Standards Maintenance Issue 292 Credit card balance plans and payment hierarchy: inadequate information within the CDS Under consultation Proposes changes to supported multiple payment plans and balances
Standards Maintenance Issue 391 Remove requirement for at least one address in physicalAddresses array Under consultation Proposed change to remove requirement of at least one address to be returned. Feedback from DHs has indicated that this is not always possible when the address held on record is invalid
CDR Register Issue 169 Update Register APIs to search for and differentiate between archived entities Change supported Documentation fixes. Staged and published after v1.13.0 release
CDR Register Issue 189 RegisterDataHolderAuth schema in GetDataHolderBrands descriptions to be clarified Change supported Documentation fixes. Staged and published after v1.13.0 release
CDR Register Issue 188 SSA definition: Deprecation of revocation_uri Change supported Documentation fixes. Staged and published after v1.13.0 release
CDR Register Issue 186 Documentation improvement: JWT Signature verification requirements during the DCR flows Change supported Documentation fixes. Staged and published after v1.13.0 release

CDR Register CRs:

No new items for discussion

Data Standards Issues For Consultation

ID token producing different sub for the same user logged on

For discussion.

Issue 291: Credit card loyalty program data: significant gaps and lack of structure

  • For discussion

Issue 391: Remove requirement for at least one address in physicalAddresses array

For discussion:

  • On the Implementation Call a participant raised the issue for free-form address string format

Any other business

  • Address any other business arising from the community

Meeting Minutes


Register Issues No issues discussed

Standards Maintenance Issues

  • Maintenance iteration extended until December 1st 2021

  • ID token producing different sub for the same user logged on

    • Issue relates to business agents of a business consumer (non-individual)
    • Persons nominated to operate (share data) on behalf of a business consumer can be assigned by the business where the Data Holder supports such functionality
    • Data Holders may offer up general "users" that are role based e.g. Payroll Officer, CFO and each of these may have limits on the accounts they can see, select and share
    • Data Holders may also offer up nominated user accounts that are assigned to a named individual
    • Where named individuals are sharing data on behalf of the business, it is unclear how the ID Token and consumer data (specifically the Customer API data) are to be shared
    • Currently there is a coupling of ID Token, user subject and Customer API
    • The business agent's individual details are currently exposed via the agentFirstName, agentLastName and agentRole values in the Customer API
    • Potentially better to decouple this and only pass that data in the ID Token keeping the Customer API as specific to the consumer (i.e. the business)
    • Unclear if multiple nominated business agents collect data with the same ADR if that data is transferable or relatable. The business agents are still operating under the one consumer
    • It is understood at present that data collected by one business agent cannot be connected or transferred to another business agent of the same consumer
    • This forces ADRs to delete or deidentify any previously collected data if/when a business agent leaves the organisation
    • DSB to clarify if the Rules permit sharing of data across business agents
    • If this is permitted, the pairwise identifiers for accounts and resource IDs can remain the same across all business agents and a change request will be created by the DSB
    • If this is not permitted, the pairwise identifiers are different for each business agent and data cannot be correlated across different business agents
    • ID Tokens would have a unique subject representing the individual (i.e. the business agent)
    • Community proposed decoupling ID Token (representing the person) from the data (representing the consumer). This way the ID Token is explicitly related to the individual (either the individual consumer or the business agent) and the Customer API data is explicitly related to the consumer (either the individual or business).
    • Discussed the language used for profile and Customer is ambigious and "profile" is used to mean the line of business the consumer operates in vs the "user profile". This has led to some confusion whether a profile step occurs before (or part of) authentication, or as part of authorisation.
    • DSB will create a change request to clarify the definitions of customer/consumer/user/profile
  • Issue 291: Credit card loyalty program data: significant gaps and lack of structure

    • Loyalty cards are a specific feature customers want and one of the reasons they select to take up offers on certain products
    • Currently limited detail provided via the CDR APIs on loyalty data (both PRD and account)
    • Where data is provided, it is mostly free-form text
    • This has led to inconsistency across holders and ADRs have had to source this PRD data elsewhere (often screen scraping websites)
    • Proposed that a more structured definition is offered
      • Include currency of the rewards scheme (e.g. VELOCITY POINTS, QANTAS POINTS, proprietary, etc.)
      • Include earn rate with support for tiering (may be amount spent, capped, tiered)
      • Balance for the account the rewards scheme is attached to
      • Often times, PRD features for rewards are tied to an introductory offer (e.g. 20,000 points on sign up)
    • Loyalty scheme account data is not currently designated. This could be offered as a voluntary standard for accounts and loyalty wallets that is optional for banks to implement.
  • Issue 391: Remove requirement for at least one address in physicalAddresses array

    • No further issues raised.
    • Noted that free form text addresses must still be compliant and valid addresses so unlikely to achieve the desired outcome of providing an address where the structured address is invalid

Any other business

  • Address any other business arising from the community


  • (#291) Stay Or Go to provide examples of loyalty scheme data
  • (#291) DSB to propose initial structure for consultation
  • (IDToken) DSB to create a CR for customer definition
  • (IDToken) DSB to seek clarification regarding rules for nominated representatives

Other business


Next Steps

DSB will follow up with Treasury re: business agents for nominated representative scenarios

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