Consumer Data Right | Energy API Workshop | Online Outcomes - ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards GitHub Wiki

Workshop Details

Title: Consumer Data Right | Energy API Workshop | Online Date: 29th of April 2020 Location: Online Facilitators: Barry Thomas, James Bligh, Jarryd Judd and Mark Verstege EventBrite Invitation: EventBrite


Thank you to all the participants and facilitators for an awesome first workshop! We've captured the outputs of the Workshop below so you can still access the contributions you made.


Section 01 - Review of draft endpoints

Outcome: Reach a common understanding of what decisions have been made to date to define the current list of draft endpoints. In addition validate any and all assumptions made for each endpoint with the group Outcome: Identify a list of problem areas (eg. where assumptions were/ are potentially invalid ) or unknowns around the draft endpoints

Section 02 - Review an example data payload

Outcome: Common understanding of how to we will present and document data payloads for the draft Endpoints, in particular for the context of the Consumer Data Right compliance requirements Outcome: reach consensus as a group, is the example payload an accurate representation of the Payload design we want to align to

Section 03 - Discussion of future work plan

Outcome: how consultations will be undertaken with the technical working group

MIRO Board

Link to the MIRO Board (Read-Only): MIRO

Extract (PDF): TBA

Questions & Answers

Q: Where can I find the Decision Proposals for the Energy Endpoints? A: You can find these under the Standards in the Consumer Data Standards GitHub location

Q: How do I filter the Energy Endpoints only? A: All Energy related Decision Proposals are 'labelled' as Energy, the following link pre-filters 'Energy Only' issues: link.

Retro/ Feedback


  • Miro was a great tool. Can it be used in conjunction with GitHub for other consultations?
  • Great use of tech!
  • Loved Miro, good use of breakout rooms.
  • Kudos on the effective use of Miro for this purpose. I've used Miro before, but not in this manner. Worked great!
  • yeah, Miro was a great tool for doing this
  • Great Session and Miro is a good way to collaborate :-)
  • Endpoints looking really solid and well throught through.
  • Miro
  • Interactive session
  • Smaller breakout sessions
  • Ability for comments/questions/etc...
  • Use of Zoom breakouts was useful. Not seen this used before but I felt worked quite well.
  • Content of the session was excellent. Definitely one of the more productive "industry' sessions I've been involved in.

Didn’t Like

  • David didn't sing a song
  • More fully fleshed out sample data, perhaps across different expected "use cases" (i.e. a site with this context etc.) to work with
  • Wasn't 100% clear at the start of the breakout process what we were meant to do. The Zoom notification got lost in the Miro chatter, so didn't see it initially.
  • GitHub requires some explanation. How about a GitHub Issue on GitHub where we can all practice providing comments.
  • Maybe a quick 'How to' guide for Mirro before the session... but It was easy enough that I got the hang of it eventually
  • For someone not au fait with the MSATS format etc., some "background primers" or a "prior knowledge assumed" pointers would be useful.


  • Hi Data Standards Body; a thought - it may be useful to run some 'information/introduction sessions' with energy participants on the economy-wide (industry agnostic) standards (e.g. info sec etc).
  • Another comment added to the above: “ Also having looked at the other comments; maybe an intro to Github session would be useful too :) “
  • As I suggested it would be useful to have a 'beginners guide to tech speak'
  • Loved the session! Would it be possible to provide links to background info (relevant to the workshop session) in the invite? Found Github is a little difficult to navigate if you don't know exactly what you are looking for,
  • I'm not sure how to effectively engage with the github conversations. I know not related to the workshop, but I did look before and during the workshop, and am not sure how it "works" (not technically, conceptually)

Next Steps

  1. Set-up an introductory session for the Energy Sector into the Consumer Data Right and the Data Standards Body - completed - click here for link
  2. Capture post workshop outcomes and content on GitHub Repository - DONE
  3. Publish Upcoming Decision Proposals for Energy Sector:
Decision Proposal Topic Link
109 NMI Standing Data Payloads Decision Proposal 109
110 Additional Account Holders Decision Proposal 110
111 Generic Tariff Data Payloads Decision Proposal 111
112 Usage Data Payloads Decision Proposal 112
113 Customer Data Payloads Decision Proposal 113
114 Account Payloads Decision Proposal 114
115 Tailored Tariff Data Payloads Decision Proposal 115
116 Billing Data Payloads Decision Proposal 116
117 Distributed Energy Resources Payload Decision Proposal 117