ontopProUserManual - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

In this page you will find information about the -ontopPro- plugin for Protege and its features. The plugin is being actively developed, so if you notice any inconsistencies of this documentation with the current version of the plugin, or you would like to know more information about specific topics, please feel free to contact us.

-ontopPro- Plugin for Protege

The interface of -ontopPro- plugin is provided by means of several graphical elements: ontop Mappings and ontop SPARQL tabs, ontop menu, Quest submenu in Reasoner menu, and Quest tab in Preferences.

Datasource Manager Mapping Manager Mapping Assistant
attachments/ontopProUserManual/ontop-tab-datasource-manager.png attachments/ontopProUserManual/ontop-tab-mapping-manager.png attachments/ontopProUserManual/ontop-tab-mapping-assistant.png


  • ontop Menu: The items in ontop menu provide access to tools and functions that help you work with OBDA models.



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