W3C R2RML Compliance - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

This page describes the state of the W3C R2RML Compliance tests executed with ontop system.

Currently we are able to execute all the tests, except the ones presented below.

Reason. This test produces joint mapping SQL query and the variables in the ontop mapping axiom need to be renamed.

Reason. Multiple graphs are not supported.

Reason. Template uses special characters, which are reserved in ontop for placeholders (such as {} ).

Reason. The alias used in the SQL query is the same as the column names in other two tables. Therefore some entries in the lookup table get overwritten.

Reason. rr:inverseExpression and BNode in ontop mapping are currently not supported.

Reason. The SQL query contains unparsable (at the moment) elements, therefore, ontop cannot extract variable names needed for the mapping construction.

Reason. rr:inverseExpression not supported. Duplicate column names in the produced SQL query.