StockExchangeTutorial_Virtual - ConstantB/ontop-spatial GitHub Wiki

Stock Exchange Tutorial

Table of Contents

This tutorial completes our introduction to the plugin and query answering in virtual mode. The ontology is larger than our previous tutorials in which it consists of 18 Class, 16 Object property and 21 Data property. We have prepared 18 mappings and 11 example queries for you to try. You might experience some of the queries require a significant amount of execution time.

Before you start, you should already have the StockExchange database installed. If you have not installed it, see Installing the Tutorial Databases and return here when you've completed the installation.


Nothing to see here :) We are confident that you have learned a lot about the plugin. Now try to browse our example project and do as many experiments as you like.

We are open for your inputs in our mailing lists.


1. StockExchange.owl. The OWL ontology file.

2. StockExchange.obda. The OBDA workspace file.

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